Saturday, November 27, 2004

FRANKOLA: Ammonia never tasted so good!

So here it is, another weekend, another batch of mediocre films in the theatres here in Logan.
Finding Neverland?
What do we have in the theatres?
Well: National Treasure... oooooohhh
Yeah, I'll pass thanks.
Polar Express..... I can see that anywhere in the state.
Same with Sponge Bob
The movies that I want to see, namely the two above just haven't shown up.
No, instead we have the "Work and the Glory"
Yeah... I'm not seeing that.
I respect why people would want to see it, but it simply holds no appeal to me what so ever.
And it's on two screens... which isn't alot considering Incredibles took up a total of four for three weeks. And the weren't sold out opening night for any of the shows (In fact at the time I went and saw it, it wasn't even crowded).

There are still a few throw backs kicking around in the theatres here:
Grudge and Saw are both still showing.
Napolean Dyanamite; which I'm happy to report has finally moved into the cheap run down theatres.

It's been snowing all goddamn day!
Yep, little flakes from the sky.
I really dislike snowing.
No that's not a typo, I don't mind SNOW, I don't like the action of snow falling from the sky; which is snowing.
I like the cold.
Big guy and all, I put off alot of heat, the cold is more comfortable for me than the heat.
The cold is fine.
I don't mind the clouds either.
Hell, snow on the ground is great. It's pretty after all, how can I not like that.
No it's the act of snowing I dislike.
I'm a minority here in Utah.
There are alot of people who, I am sure, are completely excited about the snow.
They've grabbed their freshly waxed skis from the closet.
Fastened them to their four-wheel-drive moving murder machines and sped up to the hills as quickly as thier leaden feets would allow.
Yes, they are speeding down the mountains on two thin pieces of graphite, fiberglass and or wood, and when they get to the bottom. They sit on a chair that carries them back to the top.
I've never been skiing.
I never want to go skiing.
I have a fear of pain, I may have mentioned that before, and skiing seems like an activity that may be a possible contributer to pain.
So I advoid it.
It's just a slight sprinkling now, but this is the first of many storms I'm affraid.
I have to find myself a nice pair of boots.
So I can start walking, because I hate driving while it's snowing.

I have more to rant about.
I could fill up your entire day with one rant after the next.
You'd probably hate me for it, if you cared enough to read it all.
But I digress, you may go back to what your doing.
What I write isn't really all that interesting any way.

Friday, November 26, 2004

So two things (and no this isn't my friday afternoon movie rant) I've come to realize: One, I need to start eating better and getting more exercise.
Yeah it's true... I'm a little over wieght.
I have been most of my life.
I'm lazy, that's part of the problem, object in rest wants to stay at rest.
And I like food, that's the other part of the problem.
I'm not completely uncomfortable with my size, but I know that I'd have more energy for things I want to do if I do this thing.
Now to find the motivation-
I've beed jaded about the idea of relationships and for a long time, both casual and more serious.
Even dare I say; bitter.
It's several long stories, most of which are my fault, and I'm not going to go into them here.
I do love women though, but because if my poor attitude and lack of motivation, I haven't been that involved with them.
Now I feel I must.
So there it is.
Boy, aren't you all glad I shared that with you.
Movie rant to follow.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

First off, I know I'm probably only one of two people who read these blogs frequently that doesn't own a cell phone.
I'll venture a guess and say the other one is Sandman.

With that said, I HATE CELL PHONES.
Oh, I know.
They're convenient.
I owned one for a while.
Until I realised how much I loathed the thing.
Then I stopped.
The passion of my hate never ceases to amaze me.
When I see some one, minding thier own business, swerving in and out of traffic, having what seems to be a pleasant conversation on their phone.
I utter obscene expletives.
Ok, utter is a little understated.
I used to utter.
Now I yell and shake my fist.
I don't do this every time someone drives by me talking on a cell phone.
Only when I notice it.

I have no end of hackle raising when I notice people in a store talking on their cell phone.
The hackles get raised even higher when the go up to the counter still talking.
I wanna say: "the clerk's there to help you asshole, the least you could do is extend him the goddamn courtesy and dispense from using your pie hole on that phone."
I don't though.
I have a fear of pain.
And I'm sure getting my ass kicked would be painful.
So I tolerate them.
Unless they come into the bookstore.
Then I wait until they are finished.
That's right I continue with what i'm doing until they hang up.
Then I approach and apologize and tell them I didn't want to interrupt.

It's a private conversation.
It'd be rude of me to intrude.
And many people feel that way.
But they don't seem to have a problem with bringing it out in public, or at least their half.
I don't like hearing it.
Only hearing half the conversation makes me angry.
I'm a very inquisitive individual, whenever someone is talking a cell phone in public, I have the urge to ask them what they are talking about.
It's a character flaw, I know.
But i have gotten better.
I secretly wish, every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to bed, that they'll all stop working.
That tomorrow when I wake up the cell phones no longer function, and, the only way to contact people is via land line.

It won't happen

So I'm at work.
Eating cinnamon flavored flacky pastries, drinking fruit punch, wishing I had had time to stop off for coffee this morning.
I'm tired.
Having been sucked into a video game into the wee, and I mean WEE hours of the morning.
I've only got about four hours of sleep.
The unfortunant thing about today is, it looks like it's going to be slow.
I don't want to be a pessimist, but Christmas doesn't start until the 26th.
Of november.
People are more worried about perparing for the day of gorging.
Spending time with family and friends.
As it should be.
I'm staying here. In logan. As far as I know, i'm going to be hanging out most of the day tomorrow relaxing, and with any luck talking on the phone with some family.
I have a new number.
In case you didn't get the email, and if you didn't and want it: email.
I'm not going to post it here.

Congratulations Joel and Deanne, again.
I heard from Tom the joel popped the question, and bestowed jewelry.
Maybe I should call you guys more often.
Then I could have heard it from one of you.

Well, the day carries itself forward.
I may post again.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

So I check the blogs religiously everyday.
I go to each to see if anybody's posted something new.
And I'm always delighted when there is.
I appreciate all of you who post regularly.
I appreciate all of you who don't.
I'm looking forward to see some of those who haven't posted for a while do so.

So I've been listening to alot of news lately.
Trying to advoid Iraq when I listen, but I need to sometimes.
The thing I'm really keen on listening to these days is religion in the schools.
Some schools in the south have been getting some flak over putting a disclamer sticker on a book that states "Evolution is only a theory".
Well, so's relativity, but yet we don't question that, that is we the non-sciencetists.
And so many other things we have based all of our technology on.
What happens if we're wrong, and it all stops working?
That'd be funny.
Being thrust back into the stone age because only our beliefs that the scienctific theory that we knew little about but took for granted was wrong, puts a smile on my face.

So many angry people over prayer, or creationism, or abstinence, over belief in general.
Many want god in school.
Many don't.
Here's a question: can science be a form of religious belief?
If yes, why do so many people take it for granted, and why if it has been shown to be correct time and time again, don't more people throw their lot into believing fully into science?
If no, then why pull religion into it?

Monday, November 22, 2004

So, the weekend is over.

I'm back here, at work, and I'm working hard as you all can tell.
I saw Nicks show on Saturday. Fun little show.
Different in approach as far as being put together in play form, but Nick did well with it as a director, and he's got alot of talented kids.
Looking forward to the next one man.

Been cast in some plays, that should be fun.

In response to Deannes commentary on women.
First let me say, I love women.
On this note I'm a romantic in the 19th century sense of the word.
Call me a chuavnist, call me a bastard I don't care.
Women are simply beautiful beings, both physically and mentally.
I've written just as many poems about the smile in the eyes of a woman as I have about hideous demons crawling under my feet.
Maybe more.
They are more empathetic, and easier to talk to on an emotional level than men are.
That is simply a fact.
That's why I have had many female friends, because I could go to them and get the empathy and sympathy that I needed at the time, and yes it is a matter of need at times.
They are very in tune with each other.
And they can be with men.
That being said, men aren't totally out of the loop in this sense.
Granted we aren't as easy at it as women are.
We are more reluctant to trust other men with our emotions, alot of this is based on societal stigmatisms on the issue, another may be genetics.
But once two men have gained the ability to comunicate on an emotional level, there is a comraderie there that is difficult to break, either through time or events.
So while men don't have the sensitivity of women, and we don't have the imediate unity that women might, we can form bonds that can make us tight.
So while I've been close to many women through the years.
We've never been on the same mental plane.
That's never been true with the men I've been close with.