Monday, February 08, 2010

I think I've gotten more boring as the years have gone on.
I've looked at old blog posts, some deep shit there. I don't know what happened.
I suppose I lost the energy to post any political stuff on here, and there's nobody really active on The Bitch Cake any more to talk philosophy and art with.
So here I am. Sitting in a boring bubble.
I do have some recent observations:
I hate our media in this country. All of it (one exception is John Stewart and the Daily Show). It panders to the lowest common denominator while pushing a corporate agenda. It is disgusting. Fox News is the worse. I'm sorry for those that watch it. It's nothing but a propaganda machine for the Far right and those companies that have the Far Right in their pocket. CNN and MSNBC aren't much better. Sure, they have less corporate inspired shows. Kieth Olberman and Rachel Maddow may not be as disgusting as some of their Red counterparts, but they are doing nothing to help the situation honestly. Just pandering to a different group: an educated one. Honestly, I'd like a real news. Not fearful propaganda and pandering to the party line. Not alarmist conspiciray theorist bullshit that's all over online either. I'd like somebody without a greater agenda (whether corporate or fear mongering) to give me some news that is factual, well put together and thought provoking.
I do not think anybody can do that.
I don't think there is one person out there that can give me what I want.