FRANKS GEEKDOM SATURDAYS: Movies, movies, movies.
Here we are another Saturday, and another geekdom.This geekdom is about... that's right movies.
Summer is always a great time for film... at least for mindless entertaining schlock that is amusing.
This summer is no different.
IN fact there is already some great fair out there.
Here's a list of flicks that I THINK will be worth seeing this summer; starting with the most recently released and continuing in that order....all the way to september.
SIN CITY: All I can say is, if you haven't seen it yet. You need to go and check it out. Awesome, beautiful film.
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: Fun movie; seen it, and enjoyed it. True to the spirit of the book.
Kung Fu Hustle: Cheesy as hell, but fun. If you like martial arts flicks and like cheesy comedy, then this is definitely worth a look.
Kingdom of Heaven: I know this movie was just released, haven't had a chance to see it yet, but I don't care if its good or bad. The crusades are my favorite time in history, and watching huge armies of medieval warriors fight... you bet!
House of Wax: What can I say, sure it's going to be schlock, most horror movies are, but I like horror movies.
League of Odinary Gentleman: A documentary about bowling and bowlers. Actually showed up at the CineVegas festival, hope I have a chance to check this out.
Episode III, Revenge of the Sith: Well I've got tickets for this movie nestled deep in my wallet, I"m really stoked. That's it.
Madagascar: Ok, it doesn't come close to competing with Episode III, but I do enjoy animation, and the previews made me chuckle, so yeah I plan to see it.
Batman Begins: Yes! Finally another Batman movie, and one that perhaps takes itself seriously. While I love the first two Batman films, the others...well we won't talk about it.
War of the Worlds: While I must concur with Annette on Tom Cruise, overall the guys ego does get in the way of his acting, he can act, and act well. Spielberg, I dig.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Love the story, and am looking forward to seeing this remake. Tim Burton's humor, while dark, may be able to capture perfectly the spirit of this movie. And, well hell, I just love watching Johnny Depp act.
Fantastic Four: Well, I'm not going to hype over this movie. It looks damn cool, and that's enough for me.
The Island: Looks creepy, I'm mixed on the previews I've seen. I believe it is based off a short story. Would like to find out a bit more before checking it out.
The Devil's Rejects: Now I loved House of a Thousand Corpses. Wierd, sick, funny and utterly disturbing that movie was. Now a sequel that I can only asume will be just as bad. Yeah, i'm all over this one.
Valiant: Yet another animated film... man i like cartoons.
The Cave: Yet another horror flick. Monsters in a cave. Yes that's damned cliched, but funny too.
Ghostbride: Yet another Tim Burton film. Man, I'm glad he still likes stop motion. Cool animation techinque that is being forgotten and ignored because of digital art. This should be a fun film.
Serenity: For those of you who have seen the series Firefly, a short lived but really cool sci-fi series on Fox (now on DVD) this is the film. Man I'm stoked. I loved the t.v. show, which got screwed by the network. This should be a fun film and it looks great (I heard a rumor a trailer for it would be on Episode III, though that's only a rumor.
There are obviously alot of other movies that i'm missing or just not putting here. The ones listed here are those that I'd like to see in the theatres. If that happens or not is to be debated, but never the less it should be a fun summer.