Wednesday, November 24, 2004

First off, I know I'm probably only one of two people who read these blogs frequently that doesn't own a cell phone.
I'll venture a guess and say the other one is Sandman.

With that said, I HATE CELL PHONES.
Oh, I know.
They're convenient.
I owned one for a while.
Until I realised how much I loathed the thing.
Then I stopped.
The passion of my hate never ceases to amaze me.
When I see some one, minding thier own business, swerving in and out of traffic, having what seems to be a pleasant conversation on their phone.
I utter obscene expletives.
Ok, utter is a little understated.
I used to utter.
Now I yell and shake my fist.
I don't do this every time someone drives by me talking on a cell phone.
Only when I notice it.

I have no end of hackle raising when I notice people in a store talking on their cell phone.
The hackles get raised even higher when the go up to the counter still talking.
I wanna say: "the clerk's there to help you asshole, the least you could do is extend him the goddamn courtesy and dispense from using your pie hole on that phone."
I don't though.
I have a fear of pain.
And I'm sure getting my ass kicked would be painful.
So I tolerate them.
Unless they come into the bookstore.
Then I wait until they are finished.
That's right I continue with what i'm doing until they hang up.
Then I approach and apologize and tell them I didn't want to interrupt.

It's a private conversation.
It'd be rude of me to intrude.
And many people feel that way.
But they don't seem to have a problem with bringing it out in public, or at least their half.
I don't like hearing it.
Only hearing half the conversation makes me angry.
I'm a very inquisitive individual, whenever someone is talking a cell phone in public, I have the urge to ask them what they are talking about.
It's a character flaw, I know.
But i have gotten better.
I secretly wish, every morning when I wake up and every night when I go to bed, that they'll all stop working.
That tomorrow when I wake up the cell phones no longer function, and, the only way to contact people is via land line.

It won't happen


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