Thursday, May 06, 2004

The movie will begin in five moments
The mindless voice announced
All those unseated will await the next show.
We filed slowly, languidly into the hall
The auditorium was vast and silent
As we seated and were darkened, the voice continued.
The program for this evening is not new
You've seen this entertainment through and through
You've seen your birth your life and death
you might recall all of the rest
Did you have a good world when you died?
Enough to base a movie on?.
-from the Movie by Jim Morrison.

Is Bruce's geekiness spreading?
Well in my case no, i've always been a geek. A fact that I used to be ashamed of, but I now hold up with pride.
What of it?
I get labeled that because I enjoy playing stupid games, for watching movies like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, or just plain thumbing my nose at what is to be expected of me by so called 'normal people'
They're the assholes assigning the label of geek.
To hell with them.
I don't care.
I am what I am, and damn I am excited about the new Star Wars movie, I am excited about Spiderman 2.
Both of those movies will be, with any luck, kick ass.

Strange how we need to asign labels to everything. We are a society that names, that needs to have a name for something to understand it, or at least feign understanding.
Do you know what kangaroo means?
"I don't know" that's what it means.
Obviously the aborigines didn't feel a need to name the damn thing.
But the settlers did and settled on that one.
Our understanding comes from our language.
Seems as clear as mud when you think about it.
That's what makes it so tricky, but don't think too hard you'll hurt yourself.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I had a good idea once.
Just one, I don't recall it now.
I think I might have written it down, but in the form of a musical code.
It's lost to me now.
Which is probably just as well, good ideas tend to be dangerous.
There are only two things that really tend to generate technology: Military and entertainment.
Sometimes they can be wrapped up into one neat little package, not only does strapping a camera to a bomb make studying the accuracy easier, it makes from good television.
Now if only they could capture the faces of those poor bastards at the front of the bomb.... classic.
"That sounds like a...." *Boom*
As far as entertainment goes.
Well, there are three things really: Movies, internet and video games.
The internet is for porn and games so maybe just two.
And most movies and porn are similar; all fluff, no substance.

So back to my good idea.
It's really a moot point when you think about.
If I can't remember, then what good is it going to do us?
None, but I did want everyone to know.
So they can tell thier friends, in casual conversation of course, that Frank had a good idea once.

If you should happen to pass the Buddha on the road: Kill him!

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Sometimes, I'm just too sentimental.
Sometimes, I'm just cynical
Sometimes, I'm entirely too much skeptical.
But at least I'm always me.

Monday, May 03, 2004

It's strange when you think about it.
Islamic countries, at one time, were the Mecca of thought and enlightenment.
Who do you think perserved Greek philosophy? Made advancement's in science? Created Algebra?
Islamic countries (or Moors and Arabs).
They snuck it back into europe through Spain.
Of course the Catholics would have none of it at first.
They tried to keep it out; if you control imformation, you control the people.
Do you know where the first University as we would recognize it began?
Toledo (if memory serves correctly) Spain (if not Toledo then Seville, it might have been a barber college).
Strange how times change.

Little kids tend to be scared of me.
I'm big, hairy, and I look like I could eat them in one big gulp.
You should see them run when I tell them I'm going to.

JayC I probably work in on of the few places where the quagmire of stupidity that is work is slowed.
I'd suggest that Universities are similar places, but I can't as I don't believe that.
Another area that sucks your intelligence is crowds.
I haven't done the math but I imagine that society in general, on a whole has gotten dumber the more crowded.

I like Wyeth. Thier art work. I say thier because there are three generations.
The middle on (I forget his first name) has painted (in my Frank opinion) some of most beautiful figures of the 20th century.

I'm going to stop drinking coke, I think it's screwing with me.