when you gonna ring it?
so i've been 29 for about 14 or 15 hours now. officially, from my recollection, i believe my family said i was born in the afternoon.
i don't remember, and that's probably a good thing.
so if i was born in the afternoon that would make me not quite 29 for 24 hours at this point.
ahh well, i don't mind.
today was, for the most part, a very good day.
the shows went well, and people liked me. i'm surprised to be honest, but i got some genuine compliments from many people tonight, despite being a foul mouthed little whippersnapper that i was.
i was able to hang out with a few good friends tonight, sadly some i wasn't.
for some it was due to distance, for others... i'm not entirely sure why.
it's now nearly four in the morning.
ahhh, the late night posts... is there nothing better?
no, i don't believe there is.
some nights i need to write, like tonight. I can relate to many of my friends on the cake, as i write after when the midnight oil burns too.
sometimes. occassionally, that's when the pots to full and i need to get rid of the excess.
where do you take a three year old on friday night?
well apparently you take him to see a movie about torture and sex.
well it's a nice day today.
the threat of snow, snow, snow turned out to be somewhat shallow. i'm sure it will snow a few more times, but really this winter has turned out to be rather mild.
a hearty welcome to Curtis to the cake. Curtis a hearty welcome, and a hearty return to Kyle, i've missed your blog too. and a word of encouragement to Shaun to keep on writing, you may not think the things you're trying to capture have any meaning for anybody else... but i think you'd be surprised.
tomorrow i turn 29.
yep, tomorrow's my birthday.
and i'm okay with that. i plan on having fun this weekend.
i've got a show opening, which has been a blast to do.
i've got some time with friends planned.
i think this weekend will be awesome.
snow, snow, snow.
it's snowing now, and apparently it isn't supposed to stop for quite a while.
yippie skippie.
it's not one of those snow storms that dumps a couple feet, we usually get those, but this isn't one.
the snow is light, small itty bitty flakes. the sort that mock me and taunt me with thier potential.
i'll go out and shovel, probbaly two more times today.
i've shovelled once.
i don't mind shovelling, i mean, it's not something i look forward to doing, but i don't mind doing it.
i hate driving in the snow, and i should have gone to bed last night about two o'clock instead of staying up to write for an hour...
no i shouldn't have.
i got alot done, and it was needing to be done.
now it's a slow process to let my head fill up again.
then vomitting it back out onto the paper, or computer screen as the case maybe.
it's a cycle, like so many things in this life.
and unlike so many things, it's one i hope not to break.
somedays i just want to run around and do crazy shit.
i don't know why.
maybe i ate a crazy man a while back and he's trying to get out.
though you'd think he'd have digested by now.
it's snowing now, nothing serious, but it still pisses me off.
like the angels are brushing the dandruff off thier wings.
it's almost 5:30, in an hour i'll be shutting down the store and heading over to rehearsal.
i didn't work on lines today like i should have, i think i got another monologue down, but i feel woefully unprepared today for rehearsal.
oh well, little i can do about it now, time doesn't run backwards.
and oh how unpleasant would it be if it did.
i hope the theaters warmer tonight.
sunday passes into to monday.
another late night post.
aren't they the greatest? i know at one time it was the only time i'd post.
that's not so common anymore, but it should be.
something about the quiet intensity of the early, early morning hours that make it the right time to post.
not for all, but for me anyway.
i'm too angry after waking, which is when i usually post. i need to be awake for three or four hours at least to have an agreable out look on the world, and comment on it thusly.
funny how that works, as the day progresses i gradually find myself in a better mood, normally. though to be honest it doesn't always last, and some days it never develops.
but at night, when i've had the chance to reflect, which is really all i've done all day today.
i can write with a certain clarity, a certain angle that i can't do in the morning.
i hope everyone had a great weekend.
i feel sleep hanging heavy in the air.
i find it remarkable. not the sleep, not the fact that it's 3:30 in the morning and i am not tired. but life.
life is remarkable.
how much pleasure can i get from seeing a beautiful woman laying in suede on suede?
as much as i can take, and i'll take all i can.
the simple pleasure in spending an evening with a friend.
or seeing deer in the front yard.
these things i'll take with bliss.
i will apreciate them, now and later.
but with each passing moment, i'll appreciate them later.
there's always time isn't there?
until it runs out.
the question?
when is later too late?
when you're dead, or before that?
is it when you've seen the opportunity pass to whisper sweet words of appreciation to a beautiful woman and steal a kiss, slip through your fingers like water?
is that when it's too late?
how many second chances do we get, when in reality the first chance was the only one?
the curse of the procrastinator is that the end is never in sight, it'll always be later, or he'll be watching it go past like fence posts on a train.
it's amazing though, how the thought of a beautiful woman makes my heart bleed desire and my soul weep for something i can't have.
life's just amazing.