Friday, August 08, 2003

O.K I got to be honest. When I hear now that Arnold is running for governor of California, I laugh. Not a little chuckle, but a deep hearty laugh. It strikes me as funny, I think it strikes most Americans as funny. Why? It just doesn't make sense that a man I saw blowing up stuff nearly two weeks ago in a movie, is now setting out to run a political office. I can't take it seriously. But it is. I don't really care if he wins or doesn't, he might very well end up being a great leader. I think he probably will win in fact. It just seems overly surreal that a man I've seen play big dumb muscle bound action heros in movies all these years could be governor of a state..... Then I remember Jesse Ventura.

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Who are you?

Snippitts of Illusions.
Casting feral lots.
Damned cabalic anchors.
Fiddling with the plots.
Senseless moonlight vigils
Forgetting what was named.
Dried corpses dancing madly.
After all those famed.
Whispers in the darkness.
Playing with your dreams
Snippitts of Illusions
Never what they seem.

Monday, August 04, 2003

All our beliefs and understanding of the world around us are built upon rudimentary 'foundational' beliefs. I didn't coin this term, I got it from my epestimology class a few years back. It's an interesting concept. What are foundational beliefs? These actually can't even realistically be called beliefs, unless you use Wittgensteins rule of thumb which is: "If you want to see what someone believes, then watch how they respond to the real world." (paraphrased). This is how we respond to the world around us, without debate or thought. We don't question whether the ground is real or not when we're walking. We don't question our bodies when we're in pain. We accept them for what they are. The problem arises when we ask the question what are they? This is where philosophy comes from. As far as Foundational beliefs go, philosophy isn't important. No matter how much you question reality, you still respond to it normally. As if nothing in particular were the matter. Foundational beliefs are so deeply rooted in our psyche that there is almost no way they can change... almost. There are instances of greater understanding that might change them. I don't know it hasn't happened to me yet. Beyond foundational beliefs are secondary, tertiary, and surface beliefs. These other beliefs can change. Usually the lower the change on the scale of beliefs, the greater the effect on the persons life.

Sunday, August 03, 2003

So I'm sitting here thinking I knew what I wanted to write about today, and.... random thoughts really. Nothing more. So for lack of anything more compelling at the moment here it goes.

#1: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. These guys reached the zenith of thier popularity when I was in junior high, or so I thought. FOX network has apparently brought the cartoon back. New and improved I'm sure. My question is where did they go? Did they actually go away, or were they underneath the surface waiting for a time after all the other trends had peaked to come back. I find it strange to go into a grocery store and see cookies advertising them.

#2: The space bar on my keyboard is giving me fits. It's really starting to piss me off. (Nothing profound here).

#3: My phone is a coke can. Don't laugh it's true. I'm looking at it and is says Coca-cola. It's oversized (about 16oz.) and plastic (it is a phone). I got it in the third grade for saling candy or something. Other kids got stuff that was cool. I got a Coke can phone. It's so old that it's not even touch tone. But hell, I thought it was cool then, I still think it's cool. My real phone needs a new battery (for the second time in a year), so for right now my phone is a coke can, and no I'm not high.

#4: I'm a slob. I don't know when it happened. I don't know how it happened. But I am a slob. My mother recognized it in my at a very early age. My father was slightly slobbish. I think it has to do with my apathetic reaction to my surroundings. I dress like a slob when I can get away with it, when i can't I don't of course. I dress like a slob because it's comfortable, other wise it's apathy. I'm trying to do better. I've been keeping my apartment clean. If I really focus once a week on it, I've only got about an hours worth of work. Otherwise.... let's not talk about it.

#5: Once in a while I'll see something that blows me away. It could be anything from a sunset to a movie to an old couple holding hands. (I loath young couples doing it, but there's something lovely about an old couple doing it.) When I remember, I look for something each day that makes life wonderful. It happens at least once a day for each of us, but we don't recognize it most of the time. One of my favorite days in past history happened about three years ago: I was finishing up rehearsal for the first play I'd ever been cast in, and I was on my way out to my vehicle to head into work. My car was parked on the southeast parking lot that is on top of this bluff overlooking the Logan river and an area called the Island. The sun was setting and off a ways was a young woman with a set of bagpipes. She was playing a lovely slow song. I stopped and listened. Watching the red of the sunset on the mountains to the east. The fiery clouds of the sunset to the west. I took it all in. It was perfect. I couldn't ask for a more perfect moment that day. The song ended. I got in my car and left for work.

That's an example. I often forget to find those moments that occur each day. I hope all of you reading this can find that moment today.