Saturday, January 29, 2005

Franks Geekdom Saturday
What happened to the box set.

All of you avid roleplayers out there may recall the box set.
These were nifty little game boxes with several bits of materials with in that expanded upon the different game settings of TSR and FASA games (a few other companies had the practice).
TSR was the champion producer of box sets.
Nearly every campaign setting had at least two or three box sets, if not several.
Inside you were garanteed a book or two (or three or four) maps, cards, inserts and the occassional random bit.
It was like a geeky christmas opening up a new one.
Box sets weren't without their problems though.
You'd lose stuff out them quite easily, missing books, cards, maps or pages.
Then there was the problem of storage, the boxes tended to be slightly more problematic to store than books were, not to mention the fact that they would get beat up and fall apart.
But all that aside.

The box set definitely had it's own flair and flavor. And while not an industry standard (if you looked beyond TSR), they were really fun.

Sadly though it appears that the box set has gone the way of the dodo.
Which is too bad.
Because I for one would definitely look forward to see the idea re-instituted.
Despite the hassle, box sets were fun.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

calm waiting
for that moment
that frees my heart from bonds
of jealousy and angst
when free
it enlightens to glimpse
the haunting beauty
of your eyes
angelic whispers
of your voice

A light dusting last night.
Gave the snow already lying on the ground a fresh white sheen.
Five minutes with a shovel and the sidewalk was satisfactory for my tastes, and I haven't heard anyone else complain yet.
We trudge on.
I feel like visiting 'home' again.
It's not because I miss my family, but because I'm weary and need a change of pacing.
Sometimes I get it, it is not however one of these times.
I just need a break from routinue.
When I'm sufficiently out of debt, however, and wanderlust strikes me again.
I might just take it up on its offer.
Who knows where I might end up?
Until then I'll lose myself in imaginary characters, those characters that I make very real, and those that I simply invent.
It's all in the pacing.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I sit in stark silence
waiting a heartbeat
for your lips and mine to caress
a sigh in that moment
like a warm breeze on my face
you tremble
I catch you in my arms
peering into the depths
that is your soul
we make love a thousands times
before our lips caress

Well, I have to say, I feel a little wierded out.
Today is definitely sureal.
Its not the notion that Don is getting married that bothers me.
Its the sudden announcement of it.
And the idea of envisioning Don with a lovely woman (and knowing Don, she's going to be lovely) on his arm.
There is also the fact that Tom is going to court again... isn't this round three my friend?
Christ, twice you've gone in, and twice you've left with assurances that it would be straightened out, and twice now has that not happened.
I certainly hope your lawyer gives the other party a good asswhipping, proverbially speaking of course.

Did I mention the play Executive Dance to any of you?
If any of you know the play, know that I'm in it.
For those of you who don't, well it's a ten minute show, about two business men at a company function.
An executives only dance.
I get to dance with another bloke for ten minutes or so.
Now that's surreal.
Funny play though, you should check it out.

I have a feeling, that all of this is just the start of a very surreal day.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

soft curls envelope your hidden eyes
like small jewels they gleem out to me
our souls meet for a breath
and then i turn away
your beauty is harsh on my spirit.
i long for it, but fear the smile
that enlightens my life
musical laughter peirces my mind
and lovely memories fill my heart
I long to hear it forever
with your softness next to me
giving me warmth
though I fear it

Monday, January 24, 2005

carmine on the ice of your skin
dreadful feelings of blue
your eyes cold sheen entrapping
my soul, sways
your breath a chill
on my flesh
crawling with anticipation
your laughter sprinkles the air
a delight in my soul