Geekdom has returned.... in fact it's got its own blog. On it... well pretty much anything that strikes my fancy to be honest: games, movies, comics, anime, manga (ok probably not the last two... but one never knows).... LARPing (ok, now i am kidding, i'd have to kick my own ass here). I want, and encourage other folks to write on something geeky; IN fact if you write frequently enough i'll put you on as a permanent writer with your own day. Figured it was time to be serious with the geekdom... because geekdom is a serious thing.If you feel like writing, let me know what on, then write your blurb to the best of your ability, send it too me, and i'll throw it up... on the blog that is.
for those of you who didn't get it... here's that link again: Geekdom Challenge