Friday, November 04, 2005

credit clock bucket machine

well the clouds are breaking up momentarily.
that makes me happy.
the white tufted mountain tops look gorgeous in the sun.
i didn't have macbeth last night, though i did have unwrap your candy.
i went home, and promptly fell asleep after work... big mistake.
i woke up and had to book it to the unwrap your candy rehearsal.
i was fifteen minutes late, and felt rather bad about that.
i'm usually fairly puctual, even early when it comes to rehearsals.
not much else though.

Annette, good to see an update from you.
i know i need to take things easy, but at this point it's a matter of not "abusing" the area.
the doc said as long as i'm cautious, i should be fine.
i'll talk to the fight coreographer on monday when he comes in to start that, let him know what's up.
i'd rather not drop the fights, and i don't think there will any reason for me to do so, as long as my partners know my groin and butt are off limits.

Uhhh... Katrina and Erica... i suppose i'll comment here, as i'm not a team member on either of your blogs and can't comment there.
Katrina, kudos on the play, sounds fabulous. You and your fellow actor should give yourself a pat on the back. And while you're at it, slug Teej in the shoulder for me, and make sure you let him know who it's from.

Erica: i remember reading Anthem in highschool english, i also remember liking it quite alot.
though i'm not a particularly big fan of objectivism, that particular book is quite a wonderful read.
i suppose i've read too much Wittgenstein, i'm not a full on preacher of Wittgenstienian philosophy like Tom, but i'm certainly part of the congregation.

now i'm going to ask the question everybody's asking: what do you do with a drunken sailor?

Thursday, November 03, 2005

the carbonated life of fortune telling

so, here it is... thursday.
talked with the director of macbeth last night. she was, as i figured she would be, understanding and concernced.
i told her that i didn't need nor want to be pulled out of the combat scenes, that i just had to be cautious of the area, and if i didn't feel comfortable doing something then i'd let her and the fight choreographer know.
now i just need to talk with the fight choreographer. wonder who that is....hmmm

speaking of which, kevin, fabulous pic on your blog of the canyon! i loved it!
one thing i'm always seriously lacking in is that of hiking and getting up the canyons for wanderings.
it's something that i should remedy, simply by buying a new pair of hiking boots and getting out there.
course, first i need the motivation.

it's amazing to me, across the street the trees on the tabernacle grounds are bereft of leaves.
it's cloudy out and the mountain tops have white dusty caps from having seen recent snow fall.
it's amazing to me because three days ago it was nice, and the leaves were still clinging to the tree branches like fragile shaky coins.
it's simply amazing the way mother nature works.

is anybody else wary of alito?
i know he makes me more than a little nervous.
i know he makes most the democrats a little nervous too.
should be an interesting and heated battle to get him put in.
though sadly i think he will be.
i've been hearing some of his lower court decisions and it seems that both women, and the little guy will be in trouble.

damn it!
i need to clip my fingernails again.
i hate how they always grow back.
stubborn little things aren't they.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

went to the doc and the doc said i have no new infection.
however, there has been some "trauma" to the region, and it has been draining.
he said take it a little bit more easy than i have been and i should be good to go.
i hope so.
i'll talk to my director tonight and explain the situation to her.
at least i don't have to drop the play.

still need to call about getting my window rolled up, i'll see if i can get it in tomorrow.

here's something that makes me laugh:

thanks too justin, i have become a huge fan of sluggy freelance.

more later.

Monday, October 31, 2005

gestalt playtime tootsie dots

i'm tired. i've had a cold. a fairly indecent bad cold in fact, since thursday.
good news should be, that i'm nearly over it.
and i figure three, four more days tops i will be.
bad news is, i think i have a brand spanking new infection.
i won't bore you, or gross you out with the reasons why i have to suspect this, only that i do.
it was not at all cool on friday -that's when i clued in to this possibility- it was an annoyance on saturday, and i didn't even notice it yesterday, mostly due to the fact that i was asleep all day.
that's a problem too, i litterally slept all day.
i needed the rest, so that's not terrible, though waking up late in the evening and realizing that i probably won't get hardly any sleep this night and that i have a ton of shit to do the next day didn't make me feel good about life.
as for my infection, it bothered me little, small irratant is all, though i have to buck up and call the doctor, and i really don't want to.
he'll look at it and say yep, it's infected again, then prescribe me some incredibly overpriced anti-biotics to take for a week or two.
i'll do this, and it'll probably clear up.
why did this happen though?
well, a couple of things maybe: one i had a bit of the stomach flu last two weeks ago, and that wasn't pleasant, the fact that the wounds weren't still completely healed, and trying to keep that area completely clean while spending gross (and i mean that in every sense of the word) amounts of time on the toliet isn't easy. a second contributing factor may have been me trying to do a backwards fall in our "stage combat training" for macbeth. I know i hurt something then, because after i did it something hurt.
at anyrate, in the next day or two i'm going to be calling the doc, and he's going to look at my ass, then give me horse pills.
and i'm none too happy about this fact.
right now however my goal is to get through today.
if i can do that, i'll be allright.

today is halloween, i was going to dress up, i really was.
and then i got sick over the weekend and it just didn't happen.
so i'm not dressed up... at least not as anything recognizable.
i do look a little like a bumb.
that's not cool.
but such is life.

pulled over this morning (yeah, the past few days have been terrific), the cop pulled me over because my brake light was out.
wow, he must have been having a slow morning.
or just thought i looked like a moron begging for a ticket.
and i must have been.
couldn't find a current insurance card, and i couldn't find my stinking registration, and when i found it, half of it was missing.
i got a fixit for the light, and a citation for the insurance, both will cost me next to nothing as long as i bring proof that they've been taken care of.

now as the day progresses at a snails pace, young'uns are coming into the store dressed in thier finest costumes.
the effect is quite frankly humorous, as the little kids look out of sorts in their costumes, which at times are ill fitted and look discomforting.
it makes me chuckle.
sometimes it makes me laugh.
the youngest of them especcially, trying to understand this strange ritual and tradition of halloween, they are either confused, over enthusiastic, or completely indifferent to the ordeal.
ahh to be young again.