Friday, November 26, 2004

So two things (and no this isn't my friday afternoon movie rant) I've come to realize: One, I need to start eating better and getting more exercise.
Yeah it's true... I'm a little over wieght.
I have been most of my life.
I'm lazy, that's part of the problem, object in rest wants to stay at rest.
And I like food, that's the other part of the problem.
I'm not completely uncomfortable with my size, but I know that I'd have more energy for things I want to do if I do this thing.
Now to find the motivation-
I've beed jaded about the idea of relationships and for a long time, both casual and more serious.
Even dare I say; bitter.
It's several long stories, most of which are my fault, and I'm not going to go into them here.
I do love women though, but because if my poor attitude and lack of motivation, I haven't been that involved with them.
Now I feel I must.
So there it is.
Boy, aren't you all glad I shared that with you.
Movie rant to follow.


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