Monday, March 01, 2004

Here are a few of my favorite "once in a lifetime events" in no particular order:

Graduating highschool, with my mother and father to see me do it.

Meeting Mr. Joel P. Wayman.

Meeting, then helping JayC and Erica move.

Going to Flaming Gorge, and meeting Teej for the first time.

Acting in my first show, thanks Erica.

Listening to my percussion peice "Indigo" being performed, it the first time I'd ever heard my own composition performed by a real ensemble.

Writing music for the "Boy Who Drew Cats." My first true commision.

The day I met Rache for the first time.

The day I got 'The Sandmans' email address and get back in touch with my friends from highschool.

When I went down to Vega's in May 2003, and felt what JayC knows.....

Bruce, to answer your question, I'll be in Vegas soon enough. I just need to finish something here first....