Sunday, March 18, 2007

iffy skiffy jiffy

wow, it's been too long as usual.
i hope everybody had a smashing St. Patricks Day.
mine was fun, overall. had a bit of oral surgery on friday, so the all weekend festivities turned into saturday festivities, but still good times.
corned beef and cabbage as usual. also had a some oat cakes and mashed potatoes and something else... made from potatoes and cabbage.
lots of potatoes
and lots of cabbage.
the boys had a bit of bailey's and guiness.
me? couldn't touch the stuff, pain meds won't allow it.
some irish films: Michael Collins which wasn't a bad little biopic save for one thing....
Julia Roberts.
hated her in it, Irish actors left and right (or at least actors that wouldn't shame the Irish people by doing a subpar dialect) save Ms. Roberts.
she was bad, really bad.
then an old favorite of mine: The Butcher Boy.
saw that film years ago when it first came out on video (back when dvd's were just getting started) and rather liked it.
still do. the other folks who watched it were a little taken back by it.
it's a tragicomedy, and it's rather bleak ta boot.
i'd recomend it though, it's definitely worth a look.
more later

Sandman, i'm going to be emailing you soon...