Thursday, February 02, 2006

the facts, and nothing but the facts.

so the president gave a speech.
no i didn't watch it, couldn't. i had rehearsal that night, and i don't get television reception as it is. i have listened to large portions of it, and read and listened to several news stories.
so i know what's going on.
i'm not going to rant and rave....
though how i want to.
instead i'm posting this link to NPR, which you can claim is biased in unfair if you want... though compared to other radio talk shows on news and politics, and television channels on the same, it's very balanced (the only edge liberals really have is in published form these days).
this is a fact checking news story about bush's speech, i think you'll be unpleasantly surprised.
that's just me though.

also check out only political link to the side there.