Thursday, August 03, 2006

ahhh, i'm tired.
i'm not a fan of working two jobs, but i am.
it's not overly physical, or labor intensive.
mostly it's standing. or waiting.
i put books away and "sort" books at the bookstore.
funny, one reason i felt sure i'd be fine was because i spent most of my time at the book store at the computer doing data entry.
then a month after i start the second job, i stopped doint data entry... well for the most part.
i still do a bit of it in the morning.
it's not pure hell. it's hell with a little mit of mediocrity thrown in for fun.
not so bad.
i marveled an hour ago how awake and alert i felt.
now i marvel how i'm going to manage to stay awake for six more hours.
the thing about 25 hour days is the week slides by.
it's great, the way the time just keeps on slipping...
into the future.
i do understand how effective power naps can be.

goody gumdrops.
it'll be soon time
for something.

meritocracy: a government ruled by those who have merit
mediocracy: a goverment ruled by those who are mediocre?