Friday, September 17, 2004

I've reached the opinion that the american public is too stupid to deserve anything but their ridiculous fate.

It seems as if every other book I pick up is either fantasy or science fiction, usually the later.
I've just finished the first book of Tanith Lee's "Tales from a Flat Earth". And I must say that I'm enthralled with it.
First of all the books (there are five) read like a collection of myths. The central character of each book is a Lord of Darkness: Lord of Night, Lord of Death, Lord of Madness... You get the idea.
The first book focuses on stories and events involving Azrhran the lord of night, king of the demons. Lee takes the concept of these evil other worldly beings and puts it on its head.
They can, and do love, they have passions, and make beautiful thing. They delight in playing with humans. Demons are able to emote, but theirs are pure, like hate and love. They find joy in tormenting mankind, much like young children are able to do when picking on a littler sibling or a small animal.
The gods on the other hand
The first book ends with Azrhran sacrificing himself for mankind and the world. It isn't a selfless act mind you, but he does love both. He loves them, because mankind and the world in which they live define what he is. With out them he is nothing, he needs them, to pick on, to play with, to find a certain joy. At the end of this book I asked two questions: How many acts that appear selfless actually are. And, do we cling on things because we define ourselves by those things, even if those things are bad for us.
Granted Lee doesn't answer these questions in her book, she doesn't completely ask them out right either.
But the questions, they were there, as were others.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Squawk box has returned

I think.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The flickering light plays dim shadows across the wall as I lay wanting. Reaching out, I grasp for the it, hoping in vain that my fingers will clutch it firmly in their grasp.
The light mocks me.
I relax waiting for the light to take flight. It dances here and there, joyfully for a time. I'm mezmerized by it's beauty. A longing overcomes me and I desire to be with it as it plays across the room. I envision myself as a light with it, but my will does not avail me.
A silent hush, and a wondering catches my breath as a second light appears. I know not where it came. They dance around each other. Cat and mouse, one pursues the other, and when it is caught, the roles reverse. I lay gazing at the dance. Thinking of the beauty and joy only briefly before I give way to anger. Anger at me inability to take flight as this one had.
Anger at the second light.
The anger burns deep, it burns hot. I hate the second light, for it doesn't have the same beauty as the first. It's different.
It mocks me.
I close my eyes tightly waiting for it to disappear. It does not. They bounce and weave together, going here and there, casting shadows as they go. I watch both closely. I find my anger waning, I see it it, another beauty in the second light I had not seen while I was blind.
I gaze in wonder.
The dancing becomes intricate, and faster. Hurrying they begin to weave patterns of light, a lattice frame work appears before me..... and to my astonishment, they become one.
Then they fade.
I lay in the darkness alone. Waiting for the next light to appear, secretly hoping it doesn't.

what is this?
this life, a vision of tragedy
or of comedy?
I laugh at my mistakes
and in hearty jest.
laugh at yours too.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Flippity flop, flippity flop.

What a weekend.
That's all I have to say about it... ok not really.
I worked (which sucked), I gamed a little, which didn't suck, and I hung out with Teej, Erica, Nic and Tom.
We discussed theatre, music, radom junk that comes up. Erica and I are on the same wave length on a lot of stuff, which I thought was cool.
Nic, man I like that guy, I forgot how likeable he was. He really needs to lay off himself, he's a cool cat.
As for wierd events or unexpected events.
-Starting a new campaign at gaming, that was unexpected (I only expect maybe three of you to understand that, I expect to be made fun of by everybody).
-Running into Faye at the bar.
-Arguing with Nic about what women want.
-Picking beer up with TJ's money, at Aggie Station. The dude there who looked like he was dieing, his friend helping him, and their girlfriends driving off in the car.
-Going to Mellissa Thorenson's house to hang out, and taking beer with us.
-Talking with Erica at length, I haven't done that for a long time, it was cool.
-Watching Teej sing and play guitar (I'm used to it being either Tom or Faye).
-Arguing with Tom about when it was time to stop drinking
-Tom falling down.
-Stopping Tom from taking his meds.
-Talking to Kip until 4:30 at aggie station.
-Getting a call from Tom at 5:30 in the morning to tell me he was going to Helen's house. Me wondering if I should go rescue him, or sleep... eventually sleep won out. (I figured if he needed my help out of a Jam he'd give me a call).

Overall a good weekend. Now for a wedding tomorrow, and well lots of other stuff the rest of the week.

Strange how time just continues to tread onward. Nothing we can do to stop it, just enjoy the ride.