Friday, April 08, 2005

It's wet out.
I can hear the sound of rubbing cutting through the rainwater on the asphalt.
I don't mind though.
It's not cold, coool but not cold.
And the rain, well sometimes it can be a welcome change.
We made it up to the seventies yesterday.
It was nice.
I had the wanderlust, something I get this time of year.
It lasts a few brief weeks and the dissipates into something else.
It's been a strange week.
Not incredibly bizzare or out of the ordinary.
Just different enough for me to notice.
Dogboy (for those of you who know him) who is dating a young woman up here in Logan is coming up tonight.
We're going to geek out.
Him, me and a few other folks.
That was out of the ordinary.
Cindy's (for those that know her) to take some classes in the fall.
She stopped by the store on Tuesday.
That was out of the ordinary.
I was asked to do a children's show this week also.
It's still up in the air whether or not I'll be able to do it.
It depends on one day.
But the fact I was asked... well that was out of the ordinary.

It's spring.
Part of me gets this longing in the spring.
A longing for something...
well a longing for something I can apparently not obtain.
Something well out of my reach.
Something so beautifully complex that when folded in on itself it appears as simple as a blank sheet of paper.
This longing is always there.
It has been for...
for several years now.
But it's different in the spring.
There's a faint twinge of joy with it.
Like a beast from the depths of the ocean come to the surface.
Just a glimpse.
Then it's back to the way it was before.
The summer the longing is accompanied by one of routinue.
The winter; dispair.
In the fall I dive into the bottomless depths, longing in tow, looking for the faint sight of joy that I know in the spring.
Yet, I've come away empty.

I have seen wondorous things.
Things of the earth
things of the air.
Imps in the fire light
beautiful beyond compare.

Waterfalls with nymphs
dancing in the foam
satyrs with maidens
loving in the loam

and a glimpse of heaven
on the cliffs edge
china dolls of porcelain
sitting on the ledge.

Women with heavey bosoms
and soft milky white thighs
but I did not know beauty
until i gazed into your eyes

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

So the Patriot Act is set to expire.
Can't say I'm dissapointed with the idea.
Quite honestly I hope it does.
But that's my opinion, here's a couple of links for you to look at.

In other news, it's that day again... you know the day, the day with a horrible name.
Yeah, well I'm celebrating it by doing what I normally do... which is nothing.
Actually not true, going to catch a play tonight, work on geek stuff and a script.
That should all be fun.

Saw a friend yesterday that I haven't seen for a couple of years; rather strange and unexpected, though not unwanted granted.
She's apparently moving down here again for a few months to do some schooling.
That's cool.

So that big day draws closer for Deanne and Joel to wed.
That'll be fun.
I'm looking forward to it, because it hasn't happened yet.

Teej, I'm addressing you directly; I know you're as busy as hell, I know that you have a social life, something I've only heard rumors of, all I'm asking is that you post a little something. Something to indicate that you are, in reality, alive and doing well.
Some sort of insight, or bit of wisdom that you have garnered over the last several months.
A funny story, or an atecdote to make us laugh.
That's all.
That's all I'm asking.
Noting more, just a bite.
Can you do that for me Teej?
Can ya?

Well, I must be off, my sense of work ethic is tingling.

Monday, April 04, 2005

So... I actually did write another portion to the Geekdom Saturday, but blogger messed up when I posted it.
I'm going to try rewriting, probably later tonight and give it another go.

Strange thing; police officer came in here not more than five minutes ago stating that there had been a 911 call.
What was strange about it is we haven't had cause all day for such a call to be made, and nobody has even used the phone, either to answer a call or make one.
Peculiar, very peculiar.

The weekend went well, for those of you who read, I did go see Sin City, and I loved it.
I also had my first read through for Fitzlephisch last night; it was well recieved.
It got many laughs and Mark gave me some great advice on things to improve it.
I'm going to give it some contemplation over the next couple of days and then start rewriting it.

The rest of the weekend was uneventful, I roleplayed Saturday night as I often do when I'm not either sick, out of town, or in a play.

And, for those of you who don't know I GOT FREEZER.
This seems like a trifle thing, but for the last 2 1/2 years I've had a single serving pizza storage unit.
My fridge (colloqial) broke last week, freon on leaking all over the place.
Needless to say (then why did I say it) my apartment smelt wonderful for several days.
IN fact I'm still catching a faint whiff of freon in spots.
My broken leaking refridgerator was taken out to the garage, which seems to be the place to store old refridgerators, and a sparkling new shining one was brought inside.
I bought icecream last night, for the first time with the confidence that it would not melt, or be inedibly soft.
So we'll see how the rest of the week goes.
Today sucked because of the incredibly outdated tradition of daylights savings, but start out with a sucky day, the week can only get better.
I hope.

I'm going shopping, and I'm buying frozen goods, just because I can.