Sunday, August 14, 2011

Well, this could certainly be an angry post.
I've thought about directing this post at politics, but I don't think I will.
Not yet.

Instead I'm going to pontificate on my surgery, which I had on Monday.
It was a hernia repair. I've had it for a while, the hernia that is, not the surgery, and it was beginning to cause me some discomfort.
So after a Doctors visit, and a consultation I went under the knife Monday.

Now I've only been under surgery one other time, about 6 years ago. That situation was a mess, and the surgery was done as an emergency procedure to save my life. An absess got out of control deep inside me and I had to have it cut out.
The whole experience was a nightmare, literally and figuratively. So naturally I was a bit apprehensive about going under the knife again.

Monday's surgery was good. I wouldn't say great, and no I didn't enjoy either pre or post-surgery, it went like you hope it would.
I was taken to the OR after having an IV started, place on the operating table and strapped down. Before long I was being given an oxygen/anesthetic mix.... then I woke up being placed on the gurney and wheeled back to my room.

I was sore as hell, my belly and my calf's (which due to devices placed on my legs to help regulate blood flow felt like I'd been doing calf raises for 2 solid hours. After a couple of hours in the recovery room (and another dose of morphine) I was released.

I've been recovering since, and I have to say at this point I'm starting to feel pretty good. Not run a race or become involved in strenuous activity good, but I no longer hurts to walk around (including up the stairs) and there's almost no discomfort when I stand up now.

So there it is. My recovery is much faster this time than the last, of course the circumstances were also very different. I wish I had more... something more philosophical. I haven't affirmed a belief in god because of this experience... nor do i have faith in the health care system (i'm actually nervous about being turned down by my insurance despite having been with them for well over a year (nearly two). I suppose at the moment... I'm just complacent.

And complacent is ok.