Wednesday, April 04, 2007

in response to Kevin's Comment

well, it's hard to say where the store will eventually end up. part of the my issues comes with a co-worker essentially taking over the store. he hasn't necessarily have the owners permission to do this, but i think the owner has given up for now. there are many good potentials finacially for the store, but it's part of that is sacrificing the need for the employees to know about books, or about what books are about. but turning said employees into mindless factory drones.
it's not there yet, and might not be, but it's starting down that path.

unfortunately it is a path all to many larger second had bookstore take.

i'm not entirely sure if the money is worth it.

i'm also certain that this boon of bookstore business will eventually bust, stuff like this always does, and we rely too much on "online sellers" to sell our books on the internet for it to be profitable when that eventually happens.

this is the route my co-worker wants to take, and thus far he has been successful because the owners son (who mangages the Book Table down town) has helped him along with it. the owner himself seems to have thrown in the towel, for now at least. i've been the voice of caution, and to some extent the voice of constant dissent to all of this, and it has led to a less than amiable relationship with a man i used to get along quite well with.

and it all really comes down to the owner, if he decides that he'd rather continue his pursuit of knowledge and take a lest vested interest in the store, it'll probably come down to how much the owner wants to fight with my co-worker, and the owners son.

all in all it's time for a change. it's really time for a change, so now i'm scouring the dregs of employment here in logan, hoping to find something that either pays well (ha!) that i enjoy (ehh) or will at least cover the bills long enough to decide what the hell to do. part of me would like to get back into school, and either pursue theater or study philosophy (and finish the one of the two degrees i started oh so many years ago). but in order to do that, i may have to go back to Roosevelt and actually get a job out there to save on rent, and the job market is paying much better there than here. but i dunno. i've got a couple of months to decide, and yeah, i'm not getting any younger.

so that's about the summation of it.
i'm looking for a sunday to come down and see your show Kevin.

Monday, April 02, 2007

a superior courage to talk to siblings to heal human essay.

it's the second today
second of april. man the year is sailing by pretty quickly.
it's dreary and rainy.
perfect. exactly the mood i'm in today.
i've decided to quit the bookstore.
haven't given notice yet, primarily as i haven't seen my boss, but it's coming.
two weeks, or at the most a month.
it's time to move on.
i'm not particularly excited or happy about it.
several things have led me to this decision: a co-worker and i who no longer have an amaimble relationship. the store going down a direction that, quite frankly i'm not willing to go down.
one could say it's politics.
i've been here 4 and 1/2 years though, and while i could easily stay another 3 or 4, perhaps it's time to move on.
still pulling shifts at the gas station.
but, that won't pay the bills unless i can go full time, and that won't happen for certain till june.
so, yeah, i'm in the market for a new line of work.
i've got an application to submit to a place up here that works with handicap people. it helps place them in employment around the valley, and for those who are too handicapped to work in the community, it gives them a place to work (at the center).
three or four years ago, there's no way i'd choose this job; don't think i could handle it.
yeah, now that i've worked with a handicapped man for three years, and have matured... well not greatly but some, i think i can be happy there.
there are several other options.
i'll not bore you with them.

i need to...
i need to do a lot of things.
i need to finish the three or four plays i have in the works.
i need to start writing regularly again.
i need to go out to roosevelt and see people.
i need to get to sleep.
the last one i can do, in several hours.
then we'll go from there.