Thursday, July 29, 2004

Katrina, not to be contradictory but, I'm really not all that bright. You can ask anybody; Joel, Tom, JayC, Teej, Erica; they know me best, they'll tell you. I thank you for your confidence, and I will admit, I am pleased that you enjoy my blog.

I'm not currently playing a Star Wars Campaign. I am playing DnD though (the geeks old standby). I'm currently searching for the West End Game's Star Wars Books to have on hand.
I don't usually play a character, I usually run the game when I do game. (Currently I'm running a thieve's guild campaign). 
Though when I do play Star Wars RPG (of which I haven't for quite some time) I usually play a wookie, and then a technical class of some sort (I'm rather fond of demolitions).
As for the other systems, the only other one that I have played (though I have read through several of the books waaaaaaaay back in the day) was RIFTS. I like RIFTS, it's a little over the top, but very cool.
I'm familiar or have at least heard of, or read about damn near every RPG there is or once was. I had a friend in highschool that had some more obscure ones like TORG and Paranoia. I know about alot of really obscure ones (I know about one RPG that is in a christian fantasy setting and uses passages from the New Testament to calculate the stats and do combat) most of which are from the early eighties.
I am a geek and a dork, and I don't mind.
I'm a firm believer in escapism, to a certain degree anyway.
Movies, books, tv, videogames... entertainment in general. It's all meant for us to get away from it all.
Music, theatre and visual art too... where do you think all the above stuff came from?
Escapism is something that we need, until we're ready to go at it with out that crutch.
Pencil/die RPG's are yet another medium, taking aspects from books and theatre, throwing in imagination of the people and keeping it all together with alot of rules that are almost all mathmatics and probability based.
My preference for gaming is the fall... though my preference for everything is the fall. Fall is my favorite season overall.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about your previous characters Katrina... maybe I'll tell you some about the campaigns I have run... or the characters I've played. Though not right now.
(9:40, you are getting old aren't you :)

Tom.. awe shucks, I'm not going to involve myself with your suggestion (I hope it was a suggestion and not a request), but I will say this: "I love lamp"


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Katrina... I think I love you...
I mean I thought you rocked before; you love music and theatre but this... this seals it.
You know how hard it is to find a girl, any girl, that is, or was, into pencil/die rpg's, or even just video game rpg's. Not to mention a beautiful, vivacious girl.
I know about or have played all the game systems you've mentioned. Of them, Star Wars was by far my favorite.
Now I'm still a dork, because I still play when I have time. I stopped for a while, for a long while. Then I learned of the 'game' philosophy and my interest in gaming was rekindled.
So yes I still play, when time allows. When it doesn't, I don't.
I know the Final Fantasy games. I haven't played any since IX, don't have a PS2 for one thing, but otherwise I've played them all, and they rule!
I ended up going the Xbox route myself, I got a kickass deal.
Sadly the Xbox doesn't have alot of RPG's but... oh well.

Bruce you truly are a bigger dork when it comes to Star Wars, but I'm a bigger dork in general.
Katrina, we all bow before your dorkiness.


Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I think I've fallen short of my own expectations.
I've never been overly ambitious.
I've never had to be.
Things came easy for me; musically.
Then I met a challenge, a real genuine challenge, and I was drained.
Emotionally and creatively.
And overall I failed.
The drive was no longer there.
I thought I could get it back by tackling another, perhaps even bigger challenge.
I succeeded at that one, but at a cost.
I was sucked dry... bone dry of any musically creative processes that I might have had however.
It didn't revitalize me as I had hoped, and even though I owe a great debt to a friend, who no longer seems to care, it was all for naught.
This is a theme I keep coming back too, time and again.
Perhaps this is the composer's version of writer's block.
Part of me wants to just walk away.
The juices have been drained, I'm nothing but a dried husk; why not?
Over and over I wave between leaving and trying, again, to come back.
I've done little things: I got involved with a renaisance ensemble, which my involvement with now is next to nothing, things were going good for a short time... but it didn't last.
I've made empty, hollow offers of compositions to people, that hasn't panned out.
I've started playing with the community band, that is still happening, though somewhat sporadically, I hope I can maintain it.
Everything I've been doing has been in an effort to rekindle that spark, that ease I had before, and overall it's been unsuccessful.
I can't just walk away.
Not just yet.
Perhaps I just haven't found it yet... that spark... that tiny ember of inspiration...

I still compose, impromptu, in my head.

I dunno...
I just don't know.


Monday, July 26, 2004


I'm a big fat geek. I spent most the weekend playing Knights of the old Republic and loving every minute of it.
I'm completely looking forward to the sequel to that game.
I like Star Wars.
I like the idea of Star Wars
The "Space Opera" is what they call it.
It's not science fiction in the pure sense of the word.
Nor is it truly fantasy.
It seems stuck between the two, meshed like peanut butter between two slices of bread.
Now Bruce puts that up... is it true Bruce? Is that the title?

We'll find out.
I only know one thing... Lucas better give the fans what they want: the fight between Obi Wan and Anakin, the rise of the emporer, the begining of the end of the Jedi.
The first is spoken of in the novelazation of the first movie (Episode IV), the rest is stuff we've been craving since the announcement of the making of the prequels.
I hope Lucas finishes it like he originally brought it in... WITH A BANG!