Thursday, November 10, 2005

the lieutenant assassin of judas hamlet

yesterday, left work early.
this was for two reasons. the first was to get some food, which i hadn't eaten since the orange earlier in the day, the second was to go to Richies senior project.
it was brilliant.
the scenes and monologues he had chosen were quite frankly great ones.
from John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald in the play Assassins, (one of my favorite scenes actually) to Hamlets monologue (yeah, i know there's alot of them from that play) in Hamlet, to a small extract from the play The Last Days of Judas Iscariot, it was quite enjoyable.
now i'm intrigued, i want to read that last play.
having seen the two scenes from it, both powerful in their own way, my insterest was piqued.
particularly by the subject matter: why was Judas Iscariot condemned to hell?
it's a question posed (quite obviously just from the scenes we've seen) with some intriguing answers.
i went online and read several reviews about the play last night.
it sounds absolutely intense.
i hope to be able to read through Judas Iscariot in the near future, it sounds enthralling, and intriguing. And the fact that all i can do is ponder it today is a good sign for the play itself.

on another note... not one far off though... The Lieutenant of Inishmore, had only read bits and pieces till just the other day, now having read it all the way through (some parts two or three times because they were just that funny) i really want to see it done.
i've worked out some of the technical stuff in my noggin (trapping some of the funiture so the body parts are just on the other side of the trap doors).
alot of prop work to that play, and the logistics of the combat would be tough too.
(four people getting shot with large caliber hand guns isn't easy to work out to make realistic and safe).
the biggest opstical however, in my mind is the cat at the very end (well that in the one with the shoe polish) it really does need to be there (what kind of assholes are these playwrights to put live animals in their scripts.... gives me an idea)...
oh well, something fun to think about during the day when things get dull.

kevin, thanks for posting those pics.
the sidestreets and byways are fasinating to me, and you're right, i do need to make travel a bigger part of my life.
sadly for the next year or so i'm going to be relatively stationary, but after that...

damn man, i wish i lived smidge closer and had a little more time on my hands, i would come and help you out some. you sound like you could use the help.

bruce... have fun in colorado.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

principles of treasures in the haze of america

first combat rehearsal last night, went well.
at least i thought it did.
we worked on reviewing basic stage combat techniques and layed out the ground work for the first fight.
i think next time we'll do our choreography.

i've mixed feelings about the clouds.
the nice weather didn't feel right, it fell out of sorts.
but it was nice, not too cool, not too hot.
the clouds take some getting used to, and my sinuses and other potentially mucus filled cavities hate them.

i've got a coffee pot, curtesy of ryan.
this morning i'm drinking some i brewed up at home.
mmm.... coffee.
it's tasty.
i like it.

not alot of activity on the cake.
can't put my finger on it, but i love esosterica's blog.
kevin, you make me long for travel with all of those photographs you post.
keep it up.

now i think i'll eat an orange.

Monday, November 07, 2005

still cloudy.
it's one of those cloudy days where they appear to be a dirty white in the sky.
not hanging heavy, just hanging.
the weekend was utterly uneventful.
the last few weeks i've just been shutting off on the weekends.
didn't even leave the house really, except to grab some need supplies (milk and bread), and to get a replacement bulb for my brake light.
a total of about fourty minutes all told (the brake light was changed in the parking lot of checker, where all brake lights should be changed).
boring? yes.
dull? yes.
completely lacking in social life?
you betcha.
oh well.
i feel a little bad.
i was supposed to get together with some folks last night, but never recieved a call.
oh well, i'll see them as some point this week.
i did get a little reading in.
and a little writing in.
and a whole bunch of wasted time playing video games.
can't put my finger on it, i've got completely and utterly retro in my video game habits.
i've only turned my xbox on this last month to watch movies, that's it.
however i've spent hours and hours this last month playing roms on my laptop.
16bit roms even.
i want to say i feel a little guilty about it, but i don't.
so what.
i should have worked on lines for "unwrap your candy".
i should have worked on dialect for macbeth.
i should have written more, gone into work, and found some way to socialize beyond chatting online to tiny, rossflamebearer and my niece.
but i didn't, and so what.

nick, don't sweat it man, just keep me posted on dates for the show you do in the second half of the year, i'll make my best efforts to get down there... and hey after the 10th of December, i have evenings free, we should make a plan to get together for a beer or something. i need to get out of this valley, and as i won't be making any trips to good ol' moms until christmas time, jaunting down to the city sometime in december for a pint with an old friend is just what i need.

as for everyone else.... well... no one but erica and nick posted over the weekend so... erica, like the resume site. it's cool, and, i've been loving all the pictures you've been posting, they're fab.
the last pic taken of me i think is the one that you have posted on bitchcake, (not including production stills, and xrays), though i might be wrong on that... no wait, they took a pic of me at work with the webcam....

anyway, keep your drawers dry, and your underwear too.