Movies:"You better be sure you wanna know what you wanna know."
"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"
-No Country for Old Men
"Well all the time ya spend trying to get back what's been took from ya, more is going out the door. After a while you just have to try to get a tourniquet on it."
-No Country for Old Men
"And you know what's going to happen now. You should admit your situation. There would be more dignity in it. "
-No Country for Old Men
"Beer and pussy. That's all I need"
-Donny Darko
"It was as though this plan had been with him all his life, pondered through the seasons, now in his fifteenth year crystallized with the pain of puberty. "
-Donny Darko
"The children have to save themselves these days because the parents have no clue."
-Donny Darko
"The battle for the mind of North America will be fought in the video arena: the Videodrome. The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye. Therefore, the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain. Therefore, whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it. Therefore, television is reality, and reality is less than television."
"Perseverance does not equal worthiness. Next time you want to get my attention, wear something fun. Low-riding jeans are hot. "
-House MD
"Overall, drug addicts are idiots"
-House MD
"Sometimes I think God is teasing me, just like he teased Moses in the desert."
-The Simpsons
"Oh, so mother nature needs a favor? Well, maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts and floods and poison monkeys. "
-The Simpsons
"Call this an unfair generalization if you must, but old people are no good at everything"
-The Simpsons