Saturday, August 11, 2012

Well, it's been a few days.

I've written a little, just not "blogs" as it were.

I've mulled over the topic of tonight's blog for a while, and I haven't really settled on anything. The couple that I'm really thinking about would take a little more research than I have time in one evening and another that I've started is in the same state (the research is started, as is the blog itself I just have a ways to go on it).

I suppose with that in mind I'd like to talk about truth.

I want the truth. I want reality as it actually happens. If I can get first hand accounts of events, facts, statistics I'm very happy. I lived a large part of my life, like most people, being fed things that may or may not be true. Religion for instance. I can't discredit religion, to simplify my own viewpoint on it, I think it can be useful. It's more about the journey than the destination. That being said, some individuals grow in ways that are not copacetic to religious doctrine. Usually these individuals study or are in fields like the sciences, or philosophy. That isn't to say everybody who is a scientist or who has studied philosophy is areligious, agnostic, or atheist, just that these fields of study can lead people to question and at times those questions are directed towards religion and faith.

Now, can truth be found in religion. I think so, but how to gauge truth coming from religious doctrine is a bit more than difficult. You can go off of gut feelings I guess. That's the approach many modern day religions take, particularly Mormonism and many evangelical faiths. Of course, anybody who wants some way to measure truth will dismiss that. I do. It's not that I don't believe in the sincerity of the individuals making these claims, I do, it's just that I have no personal way to measure and show the finding of my results to others with out it being dubious. Of course some of you reading this who are religious will point out the bearing of testimony as one such way. It's popular in the LDS faith, but is found in other religions under other names. It's essentially claiming your beliefs, telling how those beliefs have affected you in your life, and how others can share in those beliefs. This is fine, I accept that you believe this, but most people bearing their testimonies or witnessing for Christ don't state it as a belief (I believe Christ is the savior), they state it as fact (I know Christ was the savior). Ok. Other than your unshaking belief in the bible and how the lord touched your heart how do you "know" this? It's the fundamental problem I have with a majority of religions. They make claims of fact when honestly there is no way to objectively confirm those facts. 

People reading my blog will, no doubt get the impression that I'm going to occasionally pick on religion. In honesty, this is probably true. I don't want to bash on religion, and I fall back to the Mormon/LDS faith because it is the one I am personally most versed in. This isn't a dig against LDS folks, it isn't meant to be the biggest share of the time, it's simply my personal opinion. That being said, there's a point to all this: as somebody who's interested in the Truth. Fact as it were I am baffled by those who are not also interested in learning the Truth of things. These are not religious truths. I can not claim a religious truth outside myself, nor can anybody else. However scientific truths, historical fact (which is something academics are constantly striving for), facts of the present (whether they be political, social, or economical) these are things I strive to learn and understand.

It's not easy. In fact I dare say it's impossible. We have the internet, a juggernaut of information, with everybody writing on topics of interest for everybody else. We get conflicting view points: right, left, and over there. Of course then there's the international perspective. It's all coming at us eager and waiting if we're keen to look for it.

Something occurred to me about all of this though, everybody has an agenda. Everybody online has a goal. Usually that goal is to bring you around to their way of thinking. It's worked marvelous honestly. Much like a majority of religions the folks writing about these different topics with the authority of truth want you to join up and be part of the herd. Hell, even I want a few people to read this blog, even if it's utterly dismissed in a day or two. Now that being said, it doesn't mean that those individuals are wholly sincere in their writings. Just that they are willing to ignore contrary evidence, another sides points, or justified criticism in favor of their own belief/truth structure.

Simply put we cannot get away from bias. That is my goal, but even I know that it's futile. The best I can hope for personally is compromise.

But honestly that's not very satisfactory.

This will come up again. Both idea of religious and bias.

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Sunday, August 05, 2012

A day like today.

There are days when I have little hope for humanity. Child and animal abuse, drug cartels beating people to death with baseball bats and then dismembering them, child soldiers in Africa, mass executions and civil war in the middle east. Murder, rape, dismemberment.

Yeah, it's pretty fucking bleak.

Before you ask, no I'm not depressed. I'm tired, but in a decent mood overall. But there are days when I have little hope for humanity.

Then there are days when I do have hope. Today, despite my intro, is one of those days. One year ago two of the greatest people I know got married. They're not perfect, don't get the idea of high praise from me means perfection, they like all of us have their flaws, but they give me a bit of hope. I don't see many people who are married (even happily married) and think to myself "those two being together is better for the world" maybe 2 couples now. Nobody I'm related to by blood. These kids, the two that were married a year ago on this day are one of those couples.

They compliment each other beautifully. They bring out the best in each other, and when they are together they can bring out the best in those around them. How does that work? How can two people do that? They both work with people who have special needs and they love it. It's wonderful.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have friends that I love to be around. Friends who expand my mind with their mere presence. Friends that I can bounce ideas off of and come up with something fantastic. That's the beauty of having creative friends. That being said, usually when a significant other is around it all goes away, or greatly diminishes. Not so with these kids.

Now for myself. I'm what I am. Nothing more, nothing less. I can be observant, wise perhaps at times, others iconoclastic. I don't seek companionship. Sex occasionally, but who doesn't? What I desire most out of life is contentment. I think Tom and Anna have that. If it's possible to have contentment  with another person, then perhaps someday.

But not today.

They also just had a baby. Couldn't ask for better parents.

Here's a challenge for you, all of you couples: Ask yourself these questions: Do you and your partner compliment and bring out the best in each other?
Do you and your partner bring out the best in those around you when you're together?

Think on that a while.

Happy Anniversary Tom and Anna!

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