Friday, November 14, 2008

People are always chasing me down, Trying to push my face to the ground,

Burning the midnight oil. Even on days where I'm wiped out after work (usually because I got very little sleep the night before) a 30 minute cat nap keeps me up for many more hours than I should other wise be awake.
Oh well, I'm in a writing mode tonight, so i suppose I'll do that for a bit.

Commenting on the election: well, I personally am pleased with the outcome, but I live in Roosevelt now. And while not quite as religiously conservative as Logan (which is a relief in many ways at times) it is still very conservative. Almost too rurally conservative. While I do know people out here that are pleased, or cautiously optimistic, I am apparently not related to any of them. My brother dislikes Obama, based off a gut feeling, and the fact that every time a Democrat takes the White House the economy out here slumps (which I think is a sign of the economy more than it is a sign of who's in office). My brother may have a legitimate concern if Obama turns over specific executive orders that Bush has made, or if gas prices continue to slide. Though I do not think it will happen so abruptly as he believes it will. My one sister is a Republican, and still supports Bush, she dislikes Obama partially because she dislikes Democrats. I'm not going to argue with them about things. Honestly if the shit flies, I think it will be because of reasons outside who the current President is, not because of who he is.

I myself am well. Work trudges along nicely, we're picking up speed for the holiday season, and because the economy out here has crashed like the Hindenberg yet, it will probably be decent out here. I'm personally looking forward to it all going by, but perhaps that's because of the abundance of extra work and inexplicable work that keeps appearing at the store. We keep busy though.

Been reading a lot of humor websites lately. My current favorite (and has been for about 7 months now) is I love the lists. I don't know why, but they crack me consistly up. (Living up to it's domain name at least.) I also love the craptions, thous sadly, I've read them all, so have to wait for them to build back up. If you like to laugh, and aren't offended by rude, crude, and often clever refrences to not only popular culture but history, litature and science, then check it out.