what a mess!
New Orleans, or what's left of it, can't figure out why you would shoot at somebody who's trying to bring you food, or pick your entrenched ass up.
a good man died last weekend, just found out about it yesterday; Greg Wells (sp).
most of you didn't know him, there are a couple who did.
lost a battle in a car accident.
you couldn't ask for a nicer guy, always willing to help out, polite, and just a nice demeanor.
hell of an actor too, i was looking forward to possibly working with him again this year.
for some reason i can't get comfortable today, and my testes hurt, as does my prostate.
this is pissing me off.
still no computer, but i'm getting on it.
Snippitts of Illusions
Friday, September 02, 2005
Thursday, September 01, 2005
i know one thing, and that's that i really don't know as much as i thought i knew when i originally said i knew it.i'm eager to get started back up on Fitzlephisch, i even went to write on it last night... my computer's dead.
problem with the power, either the ac adapter, the battery, both or something else.
i'm currently troubleshooting it, and getting advice from one Dogboy about it.
He's given me some very good suggestions about what may be the cause.
i've just got an new idea for a new ten minute show... thanks Rache.
very cute girl outside looking at books just now... i hope she comes back and comes in to look around... mmmmm women.
auditions tomorrow and next week.
no, i'm not ready.
cold reading tomorrow, need to find out what time they are.
next week... monologues... damn i still need to find a second one.
well, that's all today..
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
still fuming
After much fuming, i've decided that i'm writing a letter and sending it to the ticket "company" telling them off, along with the ticket.And no, i'm not sending them any payment.
I went out this morning, my van parked about how it was the day before, and... no ticket.
There's a monstrousity of a truck (two ton, diesel) that's parked in our parkingway now, (personally i think anybody who drives a truck that big who isn't using it for employeement should have a testicle removed) and it's covering the ENTIRE sidewalk, still no ticket there either.
I've decided to include my name and apartment number in the letter, so next time they have issues with the way i parked, they can knock on my door and let me know about.
The fact that it's a company, a business, probably something incorporated, that has reign to ticket vehicles in this town puts me into fits.
Just to reek vengeance against that company, I would like to go around and put quarters in meters to keep them from expiring, though, there really aren't that many meters in logan.
Yeah I know that's a misdemeanor, but i really don't care.
I refuse to be bullied by the man, especially when that man, apparently, biased.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Ohhh, i'm livid.this morning i exit my humble abode to go to work, and there on my lovely red van is a ticket.
"A ticket!" you say.
yes, a ticket.
a ticket for "parking, and or obstructing the sidewalk.
i was about a foot into the sidewalk, still plenty of room for even a fat guy like me to get by without struggle or moving onto the grass.
but what really irks me is, another car in my driveway area was "obstructing" the sidewalk just as much as i was, and you know what?
no ticket.
i've lived in these apartments for three years, going on four, never have i gotten a ticket for this.
that pisses me off.
i'm livid.
i'm livid because it's not the police that patrol the parking here in logan.
it's a private company.
so the guy who gave me the ticket was most likely an anal retentive asshole, with a buttplug in.
newly hired and eager to prove his mettle without wanking it for ten minutes he ticketed me to help meet his daily quota.
i'm not a violent man, but right now, if i see that guy.... i'll crush him like a worm.
i can except tickets if i get them fair and square: double parking, expired parking, parking without a permit.
but in my own goddamn driveway, making no more of a violation then half a dozen cars on my block and to be the only one ticketed.
if me and that guy meet, we'll have words.