What could have been?
There's potential everywhere, and the great tragedy of life is most of it is untapped, undiscovered or underutilized. A small group of people, for instance, might become the creative force for how comedy is done for generations. Or perhaps an artistic movement. Or maybe a vast array of scientific discoveries.I think I had that. I think there was a group of us, while maybe not out to change the world necessarily, definitely could have made more great art than we did. Those of us who started out on these blogs back in the day.... 14 years ago for many of us... most of us don't keep up any more. There's one that does. Drasago. He's still there creating. Still writing on his blog. Working on plays in whichever capacity. A few still are... just not together. I can't help but feel a linchpin was lost and let everybody drift and the potential we had together has waned.
Perhaps not.
Perhaps we never had that potential. But I'd like to think we did. I'd like to think that all our potential waned when we parted ways in life. But maybe I'm just propping up my own importance. Those that are still pursuing art, still chasing the drug of creation, they didn't need me to continue, obviously, but perhaps there's something missing with out my influence. With the others who stopped.
When I gather with these folks, after a decade or more apart, and spend time in their presence I feel that tremble of creation. I don't know if they do as well, or if it's just projection on my part. But I feel it.
And melancholy grows for what might have been. What would have happened if we never parted ways? None can say. That's not how life played out. There are those still pilfering away, those that are silent and who have stopped the race, and those.. like myself that occasional dabble.