the forgotten treasures of eve's daughters.
it's funny... Harriet Myers withdrew her nomination, not because the democrats had a problem with her (don't believe me check out the politcal link to the side there), but because the republicans did.
Bush pissed off his own people... boy i hope he does it again, that would be exciting.
does anybody else get the impression that Bush is in a second term slump, apparently the last both clinton, nixon, and i believe i heard regan, had a popularity slump during the middle of thier second terms... but they came out ok.
course... Libby being indicted isn't going to help them out much either is it?
at least it's not Rove.
i bet they are all huddled in the oval office chanting that over and over: "at least it wasn't Rove. at least it wasn't Rove. at least it wasn't Rove" would have been much worse for them if it had been Rove today.... course tomorrow, next week, or even a month from now.
if the grand-jury stays in, then the possibility exsists.
thinking back, to when i was younger, and even just a wee lad, i remember other presidents having some problems too.
Clinton? Who can forget that, people were outraged over what he and Lewinsky did in the oval office... get over it, that wasn't why he was impeached. he lied. that is why he was impeached.
who can forget iran-contra... still not clear on all the details there, but it certainly didn't make the regan administration look good, even though they themselves were absolved of the responsiblity of that mess for the most part. thier goat for azazel was a good a good one.
and who can forget nixon... damn, i can. but that's because i wasn't around for that little episode. however, from what i gathered from various interviews and documentaries i've watched or listened too, nixon got what he deserved.
now is bush involved with this stupid Plame leak case? probably not, but he's got his fingers in alot of other things that are probably incriminating, i'll be impressed if he makes it through this second term without an indictment himself.
very surprised.
Kevin, just so you know, my titles are typically very random. usually made up of portions of book titles strung together, things on other web browsers that i'm reading while writing these blogs, or just whatever randomness comes to my head.... i'd be hard pressed to tell you where i got most of these random titles an hour or two after the fact.
also glad to see you on the cake.
for those who don't know, check out Bitchcake over to the side (mmm.... Cake) to check out everybody, also for those who like theatre some great links for theater companies, and individuals down in vegas. you can also read an assortment of other blogs, some which aren't updated often, some that are.
advertisement finished.
will someone PLEASE explain to me what exactly is an enemy combantant?
here's what i can discern from the dictionary.
COMBATANT: n. one, such as a person or a combat vehicle that takes part in an armed strife.
ENEMY: One who feels hatred toward, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of another; a foe.
A hostile power or force, such as a nation.
A member or unit of such a force.
A group of foes or hostile forces. Something destructive or injurious in its effects: “Art hath an enemy called Ignorance” (Ben Jonson).
Now what exactly is a prisoner of war?
PRISONER OF WAR: N. A person taken by or surrendering to enemy forces in wartime.
hmmmm ok.
well guess what, i can discern that an enemy combantant is "a member of a hostile force, who is taking part in an armed strife"
now, i've never personally been in a war, but i can imagine that the individuals who become prisoners of war, were shortly before hand enemy combatants.
so why don't enemy combatants get the same treatment as prisoners of war?
oh yes... i remember.. so our goverment can extort confessions out of them through physical and psychological stress and strain.
i hate using the word torture in that case, as our goverment doesn't approve of torture.
in fact the senate has passed a bill forbidding torture, and our goverment -the folks in the whitehouse that is- is all for it.... AS LONG AS the CIA is exempt.
hmmm something doesn't sit right with that.
if the government doesn't aprove of torture, and doesn't aprove of its use, why would it threaten to veto a bill if it does not have the clause to make a government agency exempt from it?
does that seem funny to all of you too?
the government got around the Geneva Convention by calling the prisoners of war... i mean folks they captured, enemy combatants, which from what i can discern is like calling a pumpkin a squash (which it is a type of) or a zuccini a squash.
now they want to make the CIA exempt from an anti-torture law....
do they really think we're that stupid?
oh wait...
yes. yes they do.
i'm tired.
too little sleep, two days in a row.
it's stubbornness mostly.
and bad food.
i've not been eating as well as i might.
or should.
but that's not untypical, i like the self abuse of unhealthy living.
i must, or else i wouldn't keep doing it.
i'm too complacent.
i'm too comfortable in my own skin, and the bitterness for humanity and who i am is not bitter enough to promote change.
so i go through cycles of eating reasonably well and getting plenty of sleep, then flopping back to the old habits of only getting between 3 and 5 hours a sleep a night and eating at the ass end of the fast food chain that america seem so in love with.
exercise is always lacking.
i could give excuses, but lets face it, it's my fault, and i'm lazy.
yep, i'm a lazy slob.
the one "sport" i really and actually enjoyed, i have neither the time nor the money for.
i suppose if i really enjoyed it as much as i remember i would make the time and save the money for it.
it's not too late, perhaps i will.
i sit here and think, well i'm a fat slob, but i'm only 28, not even thirty yet... there's still time.
time for what?
that's the million dollar question.
time for what?
i dunno, to live life.
sure my life isn't exciting, but there are people i enjoying hanging out with, there are things that i do that gives me pleasure, i have.... artistic fullfillment to some certain degree.
sitting on the bench waiting to be played.
that's what i'm doing, that's what most people are doing.
too bad we haven't yet figured out that we're the coach.
the only way we're going to get played is if we put ourselves into the game.
for those who realize it... perhaps that game is too frightening, too rough, to intense.
i don't know.
as time passes, the game plays on.
and we benchwarmers seem gruntled enough to let it.
tyrants, insects, and f**king
you don't see them crawling beneath the slowly drying leaves, the beetles and the flies.
their presence when realized, startles most of us to violence.
and in killing them we become ever so slightly stronger.
that's the way of it.
we fear that which we do not understand.
cliched but true.
we also fear that which we do understand.
knowledge is power, and the price of keeping that power is violence.
insects are simple things for all purposes.
they function merely to survive long enough to propigate their species, then they die.
most animals merely fuction on that level when all is said and done.
whether they be insects, or fish and birds, or dogs, cats, monkeys, or humans. we function to breed.
what is the meaning of life?
it's a simple question with seemingly complex answers.
but when you get right down to it... the meaning of life is to have children.
the drama of our society, the love, hate and passion that we place so much importance to, is all secondary when you get right down to it.
yet again fear.
you may ask the question, now that i've prattled on this bit about breeding, what is it exactly that makes us stronger when we destroy that which we fear?
when we destroy it, it shows we're stronger than it, both in our own minds, and in the case of societal violence between sects, regimes and countries, it begets fear in them.
fear is power.
but of course, the long line of tyrants through out history have always known this.
machiavelli, in all his itallian glory saw the beauty of such, and writes about it extensively.
but in the end... power through fear is empty power.
you are left, not with the heart warming masses, able to lift you up and remember you for your works.
but instead with cowering empty shells of men, who's great grandchildren will curse your name.
a tryant is one who can control the population through fear. manipulating the news media, and tweaking the opinions of the population.
a good tryant is someone who can do this with out the population even realizing they are being manipulated, but allowing thier fears to take them.
in the end however power is nothing.
it's nothing if the tyrant, the destroy of insects and the propagater of societal mandess has no progeny to pass it on.