Saturday, September 27, 2003

A nod to JayC, because I can agree. Now for my own little blurb on the topic.... we make our own muses. It's just an abstract concept. The inspiration that gives us the ability to create is no more forced unto us, or caused by another individual, than the ability to pooh. Our ability for creation comes from our enviroment how we percieve it, and our emotional thought about it. Our out put is an interpetation of our reality in the medium of our choice motivated by our emotional reasoning. That's what we artists do; we think with our emotions, not our logic. The idea of a muse is nothing more than that, an idea.

And for those of you who think I don't know what your talking about... well your wrong. I've had 'muses'. Muses that have caused me to work through aguishing inspiration, some to work through awestruck inspiration. Some were individuals; other things were the sunsets, the murmuring of a river, and the amorphorus ideas floating through the air after stimulating, late night conversation. My creations didn't come from these things, only my emotional responses to them. Further more, I chose which one's to inspire. I chose them. Some of the things came to fruitation, some didn't.

I've always found the best muse to be serendipity.

Friday, September 26, 2003

jet rain cascades down
consuming me
eating away my reason

falling in a chasm
i weep from despair
over beauty

in my hands
like porcelain
meshes in dreams
to nothing

whisper sweetness
to another
weeping my heart

there is anguish in my being
haunting my soul
the vision of perfection
i can not reach

mated illusions
shut me out
psuedo-hope fills
shooting the phantasms

frosted flesh
that I can never caress
moves willowy
from my heart

beyond my means
in sight
beyond whispering

welcome to the war of minds.
you who are little ones of night
anquish is the blackeyed youth.
who joins us for the fete.

dancing with the man in jet
with carmine dew flitting out
and soulless waves are crashing down.
the thunderous mourning sound

and all the fiends danced around
the lethal underpaths
the cauldrons smoke with pain
feral butchers feed thier lust

now sleep the sleep forever must
we all who have no reverie
the night is fallen and closes in
and the mists are so unkind

The:adj. (called the definite article). Used to refer to someone or something specific and known; used to refer to something unique.

Theme:n. A topic being discussed or written about. Thematic: adj.

Affirm:v. to state firmly or publicly. Afirmation:n.

of:prep. used to show position

Reality:n. the quality of being real; something realy and not imaginary; life and the world as they really are.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

I've thought often about posting my personal beliefs completely and wholely with out censor in the past. I haven't yet (no not even when I said I did, did I really), nor am I going to now. Why? Because if you know what I actually believe, completely and fully, you may stop reading my BS. I don't want to be completely biased. I don't want you to feel as if I completely disagree with you. I want you to THINK! Yep. That's it. So while it's obvious I'm somewhat of a doubting Thomas... you not knowing for sure what it is a believe either theologically or philosophically gives me the upper hand. So what do I believe?

"That which we can not speak of, we must pass over in silence."
Wittgenstein: Tractatus Logico Philisophicus

Ahh so here I am. What will I write about tonight? My stupid space bar that is forever sticky, yet when does work deals two or three spaces in place of one? Some theological or philosophical riggamarole? Exploding space cowboys that have guns instead of arms and can shoot laser beams from thier willies while going the speed of light through planets? I don't just don't know.

Monday, September 22, 2003

So I conducted this weekend. I haven't conducted for several years. I even advoided when I was playing my original music for the children's show last year. I never feel fully confident as a conductor. There's something intimaditing about people looking to you for answers and constructive critism. As a composer I only have to pay attention to the music, not what's being done with the music. Some of you may think that conducting is easier than composing, it is for some. But the wonderful thing about composing is that the musicians only exsist in you head, they're not actually there. You don't have to interact with them. With conducting, you do, and that's where the intimadation factor comes in.

I will say I rather enjoyed the weekend. I was working with a little Renaisance music ensemble out of Salt Lake called Dorian Mirth. They're rather into Lord of the Rings, and in fact they're are currently in the process of recording a CD to sale at some of the LotR fan events, and I believe over the internet. I actually approached them about working with them, after some debate they decided to allow me to do some work with them. Thus far my duties are to conduct several pieces (the ensemble feels they will benifit from an outside conducter at the moment), and play percussion on a few others, with possible arrangements and original works to be done in the near future. I was nervous at the first rehearsal on Saturday, but by the end of the evening, and the recording session Sunday I was feeling rather comfortable with the ensemble, and quite enjoying myself, though a bit tired.

This weekend also proved to have a secondary musical experience. I crashed at my brother-man Joel's house, and spent the evening with him and his two brothers, at Liquid Joe's. There I saw, which is in a way disturbing, an AC/DC cover band called 'Hells Belle's'. The thing that was disturbing was they were are female, and really, really pulled off AC/DC. The lead singer's vocal quality and timbre of voice is nearly identical, if not pitched ever so slightly higher, to AC/DC's lead singer. Strange!

Overall this week end was fun. I'm rather looking forward to the first weekend in October, when I travel back down, and work some more with Dorian Mirth (though much to my relief, I don't believe that will be doing a recording session, though it was fun, I was beat).