Good bye Sandman VII
It's been a while.For a long time nothing much has happened since my last post, that isn't the case any more.
Tuesday night I lost a friend of mine.
He passed away due to a series of strokes that came about from a severe asthma attack he had the week previous, on Sunday January 30th.
It was his birthday.
He was 35.
Asthma. It was his demon. It was severe enough that he spent much of his time sick both in winter and summer. The summer dust storms would aggravate it due to his allergy of dust. The winter would be a time of dodging sickness and the cold and yet despite that, it was his favorite time of year. He spent a good deal of time in the hospital, particularly in emergency rooms.
I have a sense of loss I haven't had in a very long time.
He was one of my close friends. He was a lot of people's closest friend. He was a rock amongst all of us he went to highschool with, and very happily brought people into his circle and befriended them.
Though he was, in some ways, very shy.
If you wanted to get into contact with an old friend from high school, Lisle was the guy to go to.
Over the last two and a half years he and I became rather close. We spent a good deal of time together, and our ventures, though small, were very rewarding.
I always felt satisified when I spent time with him, like I accomplished something, even when it was doing nothing more than talking sci-fi movies and gaming. He was brilliant.
He created a world, and it was huge, he let me see part of it, and now that he's gone I crave more.
I think we all do.
He had an easy laughter about him, sometimes nervous, sometimes genuinely joyful.
It's funny how you don't realize how much you look up to a person until they're gone. He showed me how I could be a better person, through his life, and now that he's gone, through his death.
For that I'll be forever grateful.
For that, I'll always miss him.