Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Katrina... I think I love you...
I mean I thought you rocked before; you love music and theatre but this... this seals it.
You know how hard it is to find a girl, any girl, that is, or was, into pencil/die rpg's, or even just video game rpg's. Not to mention a beautiful, vivacious girl.
I know about or have played all the game systems you've mentioned. Of them, Star Wars was by far my favorite.
Now I'm still a dork, because I still play when I have time. I stopped for a while, for a long while. Then I learned of the 'game' philosophy and my interest in gaming was rekindled.
So yes I still play, when time allows. When it doesn't, I don't.
I know the Final Fantasy games. I haven't played any since IX, don't have a PS2 for one thing, but otherwise I've played them all, and they rule!
I ended up going the Xbox route myself, I got a kickass deal.
Sadly the Xbox doesn't have alot of RPG's but... oh well.

Bruce you truly are a bigger dork when it comes to Star Wars, but I'm a bigger dork in general.
Katrina, we all bow before your dorkiness.



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