Wednesday, January 18, 2006

snow, snow, snow.
it's snowing now, and apparently it isn't supposed to stop for quite a while.
yippie skippie.
it's not one of those snow storms that dumps a couple feet, we usually get those, but this isn't one.
the snow is light, small itty bitty flakes. the sort that mock me and taunt me with thier potential.
i'll go out and shovel, probbaly two more times today.
i've shovelled once.
i don't mind shovelling, i mean, it's not something i look forward to doing, but i don't mind doing it.
i hate driving in the snow, and i should have gone to bed last night about two o'clock instead of staying up to write for an hour...
no i shouldn't have.
i got alot done, and it was needing to be done.
now it's a slow process to let my head fill up again.
then vomitting it back out onto the paper, or computer screen as the case maybe.
it's a cycle, like so many things in this life.
and unlike so many things, it's one i hope not to break.


At 3:37 PM, Blogger Almighty One said...

It will melt by Sunday I bet, always does. I haven't had snow on the ground for more than 1 day.


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