Monday, October 24, 2005

tyrants, insects, and f**king

you don't see them crawling beneath the slowly drying leaves, the beetles and the flies.
their presence when realized, startles most of us to violence.
and in killing them we become ever so slightly stronger.
that's the way of it.
we fear that which we do not understand.
cliched but true.
we also fear that which we do understand.
knowledge is power, and the price of keeping that power is violence.
insects are simple things for all purposes.
they function merely to survive long enough to propigate their species, then they die.
most animals merely fuction on that level when all is said and done.
whether they be insects, or fish and birds, or dogs, cats, monkeys, or humans. we function to breed.
what is the meaning of life?
it's a simple question with seemingly complex answers.
but when you get right down to it... the meaning of life is to have children.
the drama of our society, the love, hate and passion that we place so much importance to, is all secondary when you get right down to it.
yet again fear.
you may ask the question, now that i've prattled on this bit about breeding, what is it exactly that makes us stronger when we destroy that which we fear?
when we destroy it, it shows we're stronger than it, both in our own minds, and in the case of societal violence between sects, regimes and countries, it begets fear in them.
fear is power.
but of course, the long line of tyrants through out history have always known this.
machiavelli, in all his itallian glory saw the beauty of such, and writes about it extensively.
but in the end... power through fear is empty power.
you are left, not with the heart warming masses, able to lift you up and remember you for your works.
but instead with cowering empty shells of men, who's great grandchildren will curse your name.
a tryant is one who can control the population through fear. manipulating the news media, and tweaking the opinions of the population.
a good tryant is someone who can do this with out the population even realizing they are being manipulated, but allowing thier fears to take them.
in the end however power is nothing.
it's nothing if the tyrant, the destroy of insects and the propagater of societal mandess has no progeny to pass it on.


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