Wednesday, August 31, 2005

still fuming

After much fuming, i've decided that i'm writing a letter and sending it to the ticket "company" telling them off, along with the ticket.
And no, i'm not sending them any payment.

I went out this morning, my van parked about how it was the day before, and... no ticket.
There's a monstrousity of a truck (two ton, diesel) that's parked in our parkingway now, (personally i think anybody who drives a truck that big who isn't using it for employeement should have a testicle removed) and it's covering the ENTIRE sidewalk, still no ticket there either.

I've decided to include my name and apartment number in the letter, so next time they have issues with the way i parked, they can knock on my door and let me know about.

The fact that it's a company, a business, probably something incorporated, that has reign to ticket vehicles in this town puts me into fits.

Just to reek vengeance against that company, I would like to go around and put quarters in meters to keep them from expiring, though, there really aren't that many meters in logan.
Yeah I know that's a misdemeanor, but i really don't care.
I refuse to be bullied by the man, especially when that man, apparently, biased.


At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn the man!!! - annette

At 3:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Save the Empire!!!

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Almighty One said...

I quote J.C. Mellencamp-
" I fight authority and authority always wins."


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