Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Well, I have to say, I feel a little wierded out.
Today is definitely sureal.
Its not the notion that Don is getting married that bothers me.
Its the sudden announcement of it.
And the idea of envisioning Don with a lovely woman (and knowing Don, she's going to be lovely) on his arm.
There is also the fact that Tom is going to court again... isn't this round three my friend?
Christ, twice you've gone in, and twice you've left with assurances that it would be straightened out, and twice now has that not happened.
I certainly hope your lawyer gives the other party a good asswhipping, proverbially speaking of course.

Did I mention the play Executive Dance to any of you?
If any of you know the play, know that I'm in it.
For those of you who don't, well it's a ten minute show, about two business men at a company function.
An executives only dance.
I get to dance with another bloke for ten minutes or so.
Now that's surreal.
Funny play though, you should check it out.

I have a feeling, that all of this is just the start of a very surreal day.


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