Monday, April 02, 2007

a superior courage to talk to siblings to heal human essay.

it's the second today
second of april. man the year is sailing by pretty quickly.
it's dreary and rainy.
perfect. exactly the mood i'm in today.
i've decided to quit the bookstore.
haven't given notice yet, primarily as i haven't seen my boss, but it's coming.
two weeks, or at the most a month.
it's time to move on.
i'm not particularly excited or happy about it.
several things have led me to this decision: a co-worker and i who no longer have an amaimble relationship. the store going down a direction that, quite frankly i'm not willing to go down.
one could say it's politics.
i've been here 4 and 1/2 years though, and while i could easily stay another 3 or 4, perhaps it's time to move on.
still pulling shifts at the gas station.
but, that won't pay the bills unless i can go full time, and that won't happen for certain till june.
so, yeah, i'm in the market for a new line of work.
i've got an application to submit to a place up here that works with handicap people. it helps place them in employment around the valley, and for those who are too handicapped to work in the community, it gives them a place to work (at the center).
three or four years ago, there's no way i'd choose this job; don't think i could handle it.
yeah, now that i've worked with a handicapped man for three years, and have matured... well not greatly but some, i think i can be happy there.
there are several other options.
i'll not bore you with them.

i need to...
i need to do a lot of things.
i need to finish the three or four plays i have in the works.
i need to start writing regularly again.
i need to go out to roosevelt and see people.
i need to get to sleep.
the last one i can do, in several hours.
then we'll go from there.


At 3:10 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

What direction is the store going?

Any place you land will be lucky to have you.


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