Thursday, November 03, 2005

the carbonated life of fortune telling

so, here it is... thursday.
talked with the director of macbeth last night. she was, as i figured she would be, understanding and concernced.
i told her that i didn't need nor want to be pulled out of the combat scenes, that i just had to be cautious of the area, and if i didn't feel comfortable doing something then i'd let her and the fight choreographer know.
now i just need to talk with the fight choreographer. wonder who that is....hmmm

speaking of which, kevin, fabulous pic on your blog of the canyon! i loved it!
one thing i'm always seriously lacking in is that of hiking and getting up the canyons for wanderings.
it's something that i should remedy, simply by buying a new pair of hiking boots and getting out there.
course, first i need the motivation.

it's amazing to me, across the street the trees on the tabernacle grounds are bereft of leaves.
it's cloudy out and the mountain tops have white dusty caps from having seen recent snow fall.
it's amazing to me because three days ago it was nice, and the leaves were still clinging to the tree branches like fragile shaky coins.
it's simply amazing the way mother nature works.

is anybody else wary of alito?
i know he makes me more than a little nervous.
i know he makes most the democrats a little nervous too.
should be an interesting and heated battle to get him put in.
though sadly i think he will be.
i've been hearing some of his lower court decisions and it seems that both women, and the little guy will be in trouble.

damn it!
i need to clip my fingernails again.
i hate how they always grow back.
stubborn little things aren't they.


At 2:05 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

Yes, Frank, I will be the fight choreographer for MACBETH but I was unaware of any problems with you and your director (who will remain nameless). Ya wanna fight? You can fight.

I start on Monday, 11/7 and we go from there. Fast and furious.

SHERLOCK ends Saturday (and the actors do their round-table tomorrow) so busy, busy.

See you there.


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