Tuesday, May 03, 2005

We're all living in America (except Annette)

Well, I'm being culturally biased in asumming that everyone who reads my blog is stateside (with the exception of Annette of course).
Then again, I might be a little pompous to assume there are more than four or five people who read at any one time...
So it's nearly summer for the university students.
Yep, only a couple more days of finals and they will be free to pursue earthly delights... or get a job, or muck about their parents basement.
Whatever floats their fancy anyway.
Soon the chilns' will be out of school, and running amok all over town.
Yep, summer is steadly enchroaching, if not summer weather.
It's still nice and cool, or warm.
I like it.
Too hot the summer is, yes.

So I went to see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, last night with... That's right, Tom.
It was an enjoyable movie.
In fact it has prompted a Geekdom this saturday. Top movies to see this summer!
Yes I will be posting it, despite having a shitload of gaming.
God I'm a geek.
Not a little one either, you've seen me, I'm a big geek.
Oh well. I'm over it now.


At 12:14 PM, Blogger Almighty One said...

Movies to see this summer.
1.Star Wars
2.Batman Begins
3.Fantastic 4
4.War of the Worlds
5.Choco factory
6.Longest yard
8.Sound of thunder
9.Duece Bigalow 2
10.does Million Dollar Man come out this year?

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bruce, me thinks you are missing some, plus I'm going to give a bit of background on the movies too.


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