Friday, April 01, 2005

So, my weeks has been... well, it's left something to be desired.
My fridge is dead.
It sits in my living room now, there's a problem with the carpet underneath it too, and I can't get in touch with the apartment manager, or the building owner to do anything about it.
I'm getting a little pissed.

I'm stressed about the read through.
I keep alot of material in different files and email accounts, and I've been putting them together and doing alot of rewrite... well Wednesday (cursed day) I lost one. It was saved it in a risky file medium and I had not had the opportunity to save it too an email account, computer froze... bye-bye to 13 unformatted pages.
Formatted they would have been about 16 pages.
Yeah I was pissed.
Things are better now. I should be finished with the play by mid-evening, and I have, for the most part, all the parts covered.

Finishing mid-evening will be great, because it will allow me too....
Geek out with Sin City.
I'm stoked to see it. I've read and heard a little bit about it, but it takes a graphic novel, and makes it film noir.
Well, I like graphic novels, movies, and film noir happens to be one of my favorite genres of film, so I'm keen on seeing it.

Tomorrow's geekdom will be extra long. I plan on doing a review for Sin City (yes, I'm that intent on seeing it), and talking a little about Paladium FRPG. For those of you who are mildly interested... well tune in tomorrow.

More at another time.


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