Monday, March 21, 2005

Terri Schiavo.

That's something I've been recently interested in, is the case her husband and her parents are fighting about her right to die.
As of the moment, a federal judge is looking at the case.
The reason the judge is looking at the case is because congress intervened on behalf of the parents.
They called an emergency session yesterday in fact, passed and signed a bill to have the judge take a look.
It's only for Mrs. Schiavo.
Nobody else.
Bush signed the bill, in fact he traveled back to the White House to sign it, and he's issued a statement:
"In cases like this one, where there are serious questions and substantial doubts, our society, our laws and our courts should have a presumption in favor of life."
Incredibly eloquent for Bush, cudos to his speech writer.

I can sympathize with the parents.
Nobody, nobody wants to lose a loved one.
I can also see the husbands side: I personally would not want to be in the state Terri is in, and quite honestly would prefer death over it.
She is awake, and I suppose you could say aware.
Her mind has been wiped clean though, she's about like a baby, unable to take care of herself, and responds to outside stimula much like a child of about 3 months would.
The question should she live or should she die however, should NOT be the responsibility of the government to decide.
In my humble opinion anyway.
The U.S. government, particularly our Congress and our President should not be the ones making the decision on her fate.
I'm quite admondished that the courts had to be brought in to it.
The parents and the husband have been fighting for years on this now.
Which is unfortunant.
What's more unfortunant is that all branches of government are now involved.

Is this important?
Yes, in many ways now.
Before it was important because of the small group of people it affected.
Now it's escalated.
It's jumped to the point of being of nation wide importance.
Not because of the decision that will be made for Terri.
I am nearly split on the subject myself.
But it is important because of the effect it will have on the nation.
Is life so important that the government should have final say over it?
That's a question to ponder.
If the answer is yes, then the government should step in and start taking care of the homeless, a substantial portion of them die each year due to inclement weather.
If the answer is yes, then it is a recent revelation, because the past actions of this admistration of shown otherwise.

Or perhaps it is simply the politics of this particular situation.
Hmmm.... Maybe that's why it's important.
It has gotten alot of media coverage, most of the nation know's about it.
Most of the nation favors the parents....
Nah, our political leaders and represenatives would never pander to the population or the media.
They wouldn't do something, like pass a special bill, simply to gain a couple notches in the popularity contest that is thier lives would they?
Nahh, not our boys.
Our boys have nothing but interigrity.
Our boys have nothing but honesty.
If you don't believe me, look at our beloved House Majority Leader Delay.
No, Schiavo's fate is so important to the well being of the nation that our boys had to take a stand.
Schiavo's fate isn't simply another family tragedy.
It was.
But now it's something the entire nation can share.


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