Completion is at once both satifying and meloncholy.
Sad, yet rewarding.
Bruce, StarWars will be complete soon.
Yes it is sad, there can be no denying that, but it is not the sadness of it being over that I'm looking at.
It's the satisfaction of it's completeness.
I'm not thinking about how down I'm going to be when the final copyright and LucasFilms logo show up on the credits (yes, I typically do sit through all the credits, as does Tom), I'm thinking about how this third film will change the way I look at the last three.
So don't look at the bad Bruce, look at the good.
Deanne, I'm stoked for you and Joel's wedding.
Hell, I'm just stoked to see you guys, everyone in fact.
May is coming on quick, and this year it's got two equally different, and equally good things.
My first show opened last night.
The acting was good..... the tech left something to be desired.
Now I'm usually one to complain, and now isn't going to be any different.
Our lighting design, which fit the mood of the piece well, only gave us about five feet of acting room for each vignette.
This forced the set to be adjusted in a very uncomfortable way for some of the scene's.
Then there were some tech problems, but that's the way live theatre goes.
I'm sure the performance on thurday will be much better.
This morning we had our "final" rehearsal for the other show.
I don't know what happened.
It's never been really smooth, just because it is just a difficult play linewise, but today it was a holy mess.
We had problems with sections we haven't had problems with for weeks.
Perhap's it's just the early morning hour.
We are getting together to run it one more time before the actual show.
I think it will go well.
I hope.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
Drasago Feeds the ChaosAnnette Keeps the Sanity
Financial Spilt Milk
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The Grey Angel
MMMMM... Cake
Something Positive
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