Friday, March 11, 2005

Well Bruce, I gotta tell you: just read your review for the trailer and I am stoked.
I wish I had seen the trailer.
Sadly, no t.v. made it not possible.
I'm all in geek mode now.
I know that the next film is going to be awesome either that or the worst film Lucas ever made.
There is no in-between with this one.
There can't be.
This is the movie that all the fans have been waiting for.
Palpatine, Vader, Obi-wan, Yoda....
This is their story, the part we've been waiting for.
The fight between Obi-wan and Vader.
The hunting of the Jedi (which sounds like they are going to do).
The seperating of the twins.
Yoda hiding on Dagobah.
Ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh....
I'm in geek mode alright.

Tomorrow's Geekdom should be Tom's spiel on video games.
If not... more on my rpg history.

more later.


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