Thursday, March 03, 2005


While talking to Tom the other night, he mentioned that he wished he could come up with something similar to Frank's Geekdom Saturdays. I told him that I had been considering to see if anybody wanted to guest write some blogs for it, and he said he did and I said ok.
So this Saturday, if Tom remembers to do it, should be a blog by Tom on a geeky topic that is very near and dear to his heart.
If any of you want to write a blog for Frank's Geekdom Saturday here are some guidelines that i've come up with for it.

1) You have to let me know by at least thursday: this isn't a proffesional article by any means, but I do usually have an idea by Thursday on what I'm going to write it on, so I can find relevant information on the internet and such. It doesn't need to be submitted until Saturday morning (i.e. before 12 noon) I know I don't always get them up myself by then, but if it isn't to me by that time, I'll asume that you forgot and do what I had originally been planning to do.

2) You must have "Franks Geekdom Saturday" before the blog. This is easy enough to do if you want to simply email me your blog to post (which is what Tom is going to do) because I'll just post it on my blog with the normal headers. But if you don't want to email it to me to post, that's fine too, go ahead and post it on your own blog, just be sure that Frank Geekdom's Saturday is above it. Now I know that I can't make you do this, but I can make fun of you and call you names mercilessly if you don't, so please do. (I aslo can't stop you from writing a geeky topic and calling it something else, but I can call you a copy cat). If you do opt to post, once again let me know (via email) and try to have it done before noon on saturday (your time).

3). Keep it relatively clean. Especcially if you email it too me. I can't stop you from swearing profusely on your own blog, but i will substitute any really dirty words with squiggly symbols on my blog. Franks Geekdom Saturday is a family friendly bit of geek love.

4) Make sure it has something to do with Geekiness. Acceptable topics include:
-Roleplaying Games
-Collectable Card Games
-Tradeable Miniature Games
-Tabletop Wargames
-Live Action Roleplaying (though if you do write on this subject I will be forced to kick your ass when I next see you).
-Starwars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Stargate S-G1, Buffy; the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Smallville or any other genuinely geeky television series or movie. (If you're not sure it's geeky, or geeky enough send me the topic and I'll tell you whether it's geek worthy, if it's something that you'd get your ass kicked for in junior high school, then it probably is).
-Fantasy and Science fiction books and stories (particulary fan fiction).
There are things that I know i missed, but you get the idea, if there is something you feel is trully worthy of the kingdom of Geekdom and you want to force me into accepting it, let me know.

5) You don't have to write a novel, but if you are going to write, please make it at least a couple paragraphs.

6) If any of you think I'm being a pompous git, please email me. I don't think I'm all that great a writer, and that belief is reaffirmed everytime I look at old posts. Nor do I consider myself an expert in the world of Geekdom, I'm just a resident is all, and I'm just writing my observations and thoughts down. I will say this though, the Franks Geekdom Saturdays were my idea, so I feel they should at least carry my name, that way you can all identify with it.

Well there you go. Anything that I might have forgot I'm sure i'll remember soon enough, and post later.
Feel free to contact me if you either want to write for FGS's (which could stand for Frank's Geekdom Saturday's or my initials) it would save me from doing it each week, and give you extra credit in my book (not that you need it).

Here's my email address for those who wish to contact me

Frank's over and out.


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