Tuesday, March 08, 2005

So another early morning.
I'm not really a morning person.
I know the old adage "the early bird gets the worm", but you think about the flip side about that; "the late worm don't get eaten."
That's my motto.
I did manage to go to bed rather early last night, 10:00.
I know, I know you don't have to say anything, I know that's an awful time for me to go to bed.
But I did it anyway, cause i was sleepy.
I did manage to get some things done though.
Like watching several episodes of the Aqua-Teens.
And doing a small amount of shopping.
I still need to pick up a few more food items.
I'm nearly out of bread and I've no fruit in the house.
After picking up a few things like that, I'll be good for a week or so.

Annette, I'm glad to see that I've sold you on the idea of the 45 minute hour. One down, only 6,001,234,187 to go.
I am all for your idea about being paid for what we love to do.
If I could spend my entire day composing, writing, acting and geeking out with the occassional meal and movie thrown in and have that count as a work day... hell yes!
That's all I have to say about that.
Sadly I don't see that happening anytime soon.
I do have a job that, for the most part I like.
It has it's down side, but at least I don't recieve death threats like some people I know, and it sure beats factory work.
As far as my job goes, it's nice.

Well more later, or not who knows.


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