Wednesday, March 02, 2005

So, I'm listening to Primus right now.
Well that's not quite true, I'm half assed watching a dvd and they are just starting The Last Superpower and I'm thinking of stuff.... yeah.
What sort of stuff you might ask?
Well, at the moment how wierd Primus is, but that goes with the territory.
I'm thinking of how I should be tired because it's just after two in the morning but I'm not yet.
I'm thinking about the shows.
I'm thinking about finances.
I'm thinking about a nice bowl of butterscotch pudding, but then again I like pudding.
I've got to shave soon, and get a haircut.
It's been a year since i've had one, so that should be an interesting change.
Las time a friend of mine, someone I see twice a week didn't recognize me.
Then again he'd never seen me with short hair.
I'm thinking how I need to file my taxes.
I'm thinking about how I need to get more memory for my computer, because its sluggish with the amount it has in it.
I'm thinking of how I should take the time and do some more cleaning on my apartment this sunday when I have the chance.
I'm thinking about the snow, the cold and how there will soon be more snow.
We've had alot this winter.
If I didn't have to go anywhere I'd sure be alot happier about it falling from the sky.
I'm thinking about how ill-responsible I can be, and also how know is half the battle.
I guess the other half is doing something about it.
I'm thinking of the Eric Hoffer book I've been reading, and how absolutely fasinating it is.
I'm thinking that I should have written on Fitzlephisch tonight, because it isn't writing itself.
If it was, I'd probably be done by now.
I'm thinking of how a twelve minute solo by Primus can really mess with your senses.
I'm thinking that, at this moment, despite all the bullshit and stress and things I'm worry about that I shouldn't be worrying about; I'm content.

Well, Primus is starting My Name is Mud, and I think once its over its time to lay my weary head in my little bed.


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