Thursday, March 17, 2005


Yes, it is St. Padraic's Day today. The day we all recognize the Irish Saint that drove the snakes from Ireland and converted the masses.
There are only a few things to really do on Saint Patrick's day, and most of them involve Guiness.

It's cloudy today.
I don't mind, it's a bit cooler, but it isn't snowing, and is tollerable outside without a jacket.

Wolfowitz to head the World Bank. Alot folks think that this will turn the Bank into an arm of U.S. foriegn policy, just like it was during the Cold War. Hmmm... you think so huh?

Judge says no to same sex marriage ban in CA. Tossed it out. Man there are alot of pissed off people. I guess Bush will just have to implement that admendment again. We really can't have homosexual's being happy living their lives, that would be sinful.

Does anybody thik W is funny? Cause I think he's a riot these days. I love the Social Security tour he's doing.
I'd really like George if he wasn't president. Godspeed 2008.


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