Frankola: If it doesn't make you blind, it'll make you happy.
Ok, last rant for the day. Then I'm FINISHED writing for the weekend!
There is a scientific study showing that there polar ice is melting during the summer. This is ice that didn't normally used to melt. Now the permafrost is melt, no longer being permanant. And the countries that conducted this study are predicting iceless summers in the polar regions with in fifty years... why, because of global warming.
The Kyoto treaty, that would force countries to keep down emission levels, was not signed by the U.S. because "it would hurt the economy".
Well that's great, I like a good ecomnomy, but what happens in twenty years when fishermans wharf or down town manhattan are sitting under ten feet of water (or thirty, or ninety, I dunno).
IF the warming continues... well, those places that sit on the coast are pretty much screwed, and you can forget about Holand.
There is alot of alarm in the scientific community... though I'm sure the general population will ignore it.
Now that I'm done with my rant, I probably will.
Friday, November 12, 2004
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
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