Episode III
I'm tingly with anticipation for it.
We all know what happens in the end.
But what we don't know is how and why it happened, and I am excited to find out.
I saw the teaser trailer over the weekend, and I was blown away.
While Episodes I & II weren't up to the standards of the original three, they did have their moments.
The saber fight between Maul, Qui-gon and Obi-wan comes to mind right away.
Count Dooku is still really cool (It is Christopher Lee after all)
But the third film, just the snippets I saw of it, have me gun-ho.
Finally Palpatine's endgame will come to fruitation.
Finally we can see why Anikan chose the dark path over the path of good.
Finally we can know the weight of the words of Darth Vader in Episode IV when he says "When last we met Obi-wan you were the master and I was the learner. Now I AM the Master."
Yes, I'm excited to say the least.
The first two movies were really fluff, this is the movie I think every die hard Star Wars fan has been waiting for.
Just six months.
And we'll know.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
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