"Hello Mr. Krinkle
How are you today?"
So there hasn't been much activity of late. Wyrd posted on Weds, as did Jace. I on Tuesday. Bruce has given us something to ponder (Thank you Bruce).
"I'm the most boring sonnubitch you'll every see.
I dress in blue yes navy blue."
Hung out with Erica, Teej, Nick and Tom last night. Good times.
I haven't seen Nick in a while, he seems to be doing good.
We're going to get together again tonight. Man I'm excited about that.
"I will rape your personality, pummel you with my own philosophy."
So, despite the shitty audition, showing up late for call backs last Saturday, and being fully convinced that I didn't get any parts... I did:
"My Name is Mr. Sir. When you talk to me, you will address me by my name. Do you understand?"
I'm really excited about this role. I'm tingly just thinking about it. Holes is a fun play, and to have such a cool part too, I would have been happy playing a townsperson.
Now I haven't seen the movie, I've heard that it is good by most people. I have read the play though. I'm going to be curious how the set designer is going to pull this off. The play calls for a bunch of holes (go figure), a small interior set to one side, and a truck... I'm glad I'm not a designer.
"I do not mind what I excrete, because I'm here to make a buck, and those that can not take the heat can take a flying......"
I've been in a good mood today, despite the fact that I jacked my little toe yesterday (poor little footsy) and I'm here at work for another three and a half hours.
Good for me.
Friday, September 10, 2004
Here it is, there it was, then it will be.
Drasago Feeds the ChaosAnnette Keeps the Sanity
Financial Spilt Milk
MY POETRY for your perusal
The Grey Angel
MMMMM... Cake
Something Positive
Sort through the political BS yourself
Previous Posts
- Appallachian Spring. Many decades from now, when I...
- first let me say.... HELLO #200 Yep, this is post ...
- Well I made callbacks. for the play that I was hop...
- So I had auditions last night... boy they SUCKED. ...
- Didja git eny on ya? Boy I sure right a whole lot...
- So I've been stressed lately. This isn't uncommon,...
- Well Wyrd, if you really want to fight grik-grak b...
- Katrina, thanks. Next time I go through the trans-...
- Erik, if you would be kind enough to send me somet...
- Yeah the future sucked over all. Just wanted to se...
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