Friday, September 03, 2004

So I had auditions last night... boy they SUCKED.
I was doing sides, but because of timing, I wasn't able to get the sides before the day of the audition.
I went up at about 8:30 to look over the sides, and warm up my voice and body.
I figured that an hour and a half is plenty of time for that, if not ideal time.
So I arrive, and they are desperate to get people to go in.
Half the people that had signed up didn't show up, and they actually gave enough time for everybody to perform their pieces.
So I filled at my paper work and picked a side, which was a poor representation of the character I was performing, but the only side with the character (the same) that I want to play.
I went into the theatre and.... sucked!
Oh well.
I'm going to make a couple phone calls this afternoon to see if there is a possiblity of me having got call backs.
I've already resigned myself to failure on this matter, but there will be other shows.


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