Wednesday, April 20, 2005

It's that day again.

I had a friend tell me that she doesn't read my blog, because she finds them boring.
Well, I'm assuming that she's speaking of all blogs, but for my purpose here, I'm going to take personal umbrage to that statement.
To feed the fuel of my rant of course.
She finds my blog boring.
I'm not a particularly stellar writer, I realize this, nor am I really all that interesting.
But boring?
I like to think I put enough flavor in my blog to at least keep people interested.
I like to think I have enough colorful prattle to keep some one reading for a couple of paragraphs.
But apparently not.
If she finds my blog boring, I wonder how she responds to my emails?
They must damn near asphyxiate her with lethargy.
I imagine after an email she is quite ready for a nap, or possibly unconsious.
Damn... I'm boring.
Well I always knew I was, guess I shouldn't be surprised that other people have recognized that trait in me also.

So Deanne, love to see you posting... just wanted to ask this though: You do realize that Saint Patricks day was over a month ago right?
I don't know if you recognized that or not, so I'm just checking.
Oh yeah, would someone down Vegas way kick Teej's ass so he will post. I'd do it myself, but it's rather out of the way at this time.
Bruce, good to see you yesterday man, stop by again when you come up, maybe we can go get a bite next time.

Well you assmonkeys, and by assmonkeys I mean monkeys that torment donkeys, I must be off.


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